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I sat in a grey metal room with glowing blue lines illuminating the shadows. I sat down at a table with the three superiors. "You don't mind if we ask you questions do you?" I nodded. I had no weapons on me which I was alright with. "What is your name?" "Al-X." "No last name?" "I do not remember it." The human nodded and wrote his notes down. "Honey how old are you?" I had to think a bit on this. "21 years old. According to my mother." "Who is your mother," she asked. "The android." "Really?" I nodded. "She raised me for as long as I could remember." They all nodded. "Where did you live and what brought you here. "I lived in the sewers of the city until a bounty hunter found us. Without my mother's help, I would have died." "On the day of the massacre, what do you remember?" I was a baby but my mother remembers it. She said my... Real mother and father protecting me best they could and put me in the carrying of my current mother. She said they died while protecting me." "I'm sorry for your loss then deary," said the medic bot. "Thank you." "One last question, the cyborg woman said in a serious tone. How many did you kill and why." "I killed a pack of old K9s while getting to this place because they were attacking us." They seemed a little surprised. "That's it?" I nodded. The human and cyborg looked at the android and he nodded. "She's telling the truth."
      6 sat down in a plain egg white room with a silver table in the middle. With him were the three superiors. "We have a few questions for you and we would like you to answer them truthfully. Don't and we will know." "Great interrogation buddy." "What's your name." "6." "Your real name." He shrugged. "How old are you?" "25." "Where did you live and what brought you here." "Somewhere with my blood parents and tracking the human down." "Al-X?" He nodded. "I had a change of heart halfway through this lovely journey of ours." You could literally taste the sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Who was your blood family," the cyborg asked. He tended up slightly. "I don't remember." "You are lying," the medic said in a flash. "Fine fine I just remember getting taken away and a man calling the name Liana." Before the medic told the other two if he was lying, the cyborg confirmed. "Okay and you mentioned a change of heart?" "Instead of tracking the girl down, I'm protecting her now." "From who." 6 leaned in and his voice got deep and serious. "Anyone who even thinks on hurting her." The human gulped while the medic backed away a bit. "One last question, how many have you killed." "Lost count."
     The android sat down in a light red room with the three superiors. "We would like to ask you a few questions." "Very well," she said politely. "What is your name?" "6684E7" "That is an old identification number," the medic said. "You aren't designed with the parts." "My daughter 'upgraded' me. I am a mothering bot." The medic nodded. "Speaking of daughter, please describe the events that transpired that day." "You can access my chip and see for yourself." The medic nodded and hooked a small cable to the back of her head. A screen appeared as it played the android's recordings. There baby Alex was with her mother and father. The next clip was what happened. The sounds of the RPD (robot police department) breaking their door down and shooting the father. The video of her mother opening the window before she too was shot in the head. Her picking up the child along with a bag of baby stuff she would need before escaping. The next few clips were of baby Al-X growing up. Learning how to talk, walking, playing, and getting stronger. "You really did live in the sewers for 21 years." She nodded. "Last question, how many did you kill and why." "None."
    Jeremiah lounged back and had his feet on the table. The superiors looked at him with a little disgust. "You don't mind if we-" Jeremiah cut them off. "My name is Jeremiah aka The Transporter. I worked with ya'll even before the day happened. I am 57 now and hmmm what else... Oh yes! I killed a few androids because they tried to kill me and a few cyborgs because they tried to cheat me out of a deal. Anything else?" "Why did you disappear after all these years and decide to come back now?" Jeremiah's face hardened as did his voice. He opened a pocket watch that showed a picture of baby Al-X and his sister. He smiled at the picture before tossing it to the human. "I made a promise I would be there if Al-X ever showed up. And after 21 years of waiting, she came." The three recognized the woman from the picture being Al-X's mother from the android's memories. "And the other people?" "Friends. You see I'm going to make a deal with you right here right now. You will accept the woman, her son, and the big guy." "And if we don't," the Medic asked. "You won't get Al-X. " "You assume we need her," the medic said again. "We have plenty of humans and cyborgs." "How many people outside these doors have actually fought or defended themselves? They have lived in these walls for years. They have grown soft and weak. I've seen Alex and her new friend fight." "Are you talking about '6'." "Oh yes. They fight fluidly when together. Nothing like I have seen before. Her raw talent mixed in with his refined sculpted one? It's almost picture worthy." Jeremiah stood up and began walking out the door. "Oh and one more thing, you may want to keep the bounty hunter too. Al-X and him sort of have a thing going on. Be a shame to ruin it. Especially when he he could be used. Ta Ta!" With that he closed the door behind him and smirked.

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