"Do you still remember when we went into that house? Sehun was such a crybaby back then. He's changed a lot in 4 years." Jongdae said, cracking a laugh now and then when Sehun, who was sitting across from him pouted.

"Sure was funny. He lost a lot of money over that bet," Minseok said, making a hand gesture like he was counting dollar money. "I got the most, I remember. Although you Jongdae, aren't afraid of fake haunted houses, that real one really did mess you up good. Maybe we should go back for old times sakes."

"Nah, I'm not going back. I'm too grown up to play childish games." Sehun said. Just 4 years ago Sehun was a crybaby, he was a weird boy with braces and glasses, but at the first day of Junior year, he had completely changed. He wore contacts and got rid of his braces, he even dyed his hair a lighter brown and styled it each day. He was no longer going to wear the name of a crybaby.

"'Cuz you're afraid, right?" Jongdae bit back with a sly smirk.

Sehun only sighed and got up with his food tray and left to join his other group of friends.

Jongin shrugged. Sehun was an 'all around' type of guy. He didn't particularly hang with specific people. Whoever annoyed him more would be left behind, and whoever made him feel like a queen, he'd join them. He became pretty cool.

"Hey Jongin, wanna go? We can all go together and check that place out again. You didn't go those few years ago, right?" Jongdae said, leaning in as if he was telling a government secret.

Jongin hummed, deep in thoughts. This would be his one and only chance to finally go see that house. He had nothing to lose and his parents wouldn't know if he did go there. They were persistent about his whereabouts but it wouldn't be his first time lying to them. "Um sure. I've avoided going there since I was a kid, but it's been awhile since anyone disappeared so it's probably fine now."

"Your family is strict about you going, huh? Well, don't be worried. We got you covered. We'll even provide flashlights." Jongdae said and looked at Minseok for agreement.

"Yeah. So, meet up at the house at midnight. Jongin you can sneak out, right?" Minseok said, worriedly.

"Yeah." Jongin answered. He wasn't so sure though, since his Noona who was still living with them was a light sleeper. She'd probably wake up if she heard him open the front door.

"Okay then. Meet up tonight, alright? Wear warm clothing, and maybe a bag in case you losers want to throw up! Hahaha!" Jongdae was so hyped about it he didn't waste time showing it on his face.

Jongin couldn't wait to go. He'd finally see the place and find out if it was true that something was there.


Window opened, the door to his bedroom locked, Jongin faced forward and jumped out of his room, landing on both his feet. The pain hit him immediately, but when he stood up, it was already gone. The roads were empty and the night was completely dead silent, safe for the rustling leaves.

Jongin made his way down the road and up the hill. When he approached, the two figures already there waved at him. He began jogging to join them, Minseok passing him a flashlight. When he opened it for a test, the light was weak and dim. He frowned.

"Don't make that face Jongin, hahaha! It's dim so it's more scary! Now come on, let's go inside already!" Jongdae laughed and was the first one to start walking inside the gate. Minseok followed with a chuckle, and Jongin last.

He wasn't frowning because he would be scared, it was more that if the light was weak then he wouldn't be able to see anything inside and that beats the point of coming. He just wanted to see what it was like inside. The whole scare-each-other crap didn't even matter.

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