Chapter 3

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(*Lilliana's P.O.V.*)

    I sit in my classes chewing on the end of my pen, Ryuzaki is sitting in front of me, he cannot get his eyes off of Light.  It bothers me, I am supposed be focusing on my work, but every time he is near me, I want to do everything with him. I need to get back to the work, it is not like he notices anyways. I look back to my work I start writing down notes while pushing my light hair behind my ear, I can never focus with it  in front of me. I look up to the clock hopefully. 12:43, Yes! I have two minutes left, even though Ryuzaki has been filling my mind, the other thing occupying my brain would be the Kira case itself. It really interests me, I mean how can this person kill without a weapon, also he can control others actions before they die what else can he do? I hear the bell ring and stand up and start gathering my things. He also was a student in the Kanto region, for all I know he could be in this room right now, there aren't many people who has the smarts, the only person who has that type of smarts in this room besides Ryuzaki, would be..... Light. Oh my god! Light could be Kira! I Mean there is a really good chance that he is maybe I should tell Ryuzaki. I put all my things in my bag and I walk to Ryuzaki's desk. He is still in his chair, I think he is in his 'Thinking Mode' right now. 

    "Hideki?" Hideki was his alias for the classroom, honestly I think he should used a name that wasn't so..... obvious. He turns his head towards me and gives me that adorable smile that makes me melt.

   "Yes, Lilli?" He says, I love his dark eyes, it reminds me of the black dress my mother used to wear, I do sometimes really miss her she is never around to answer my calls anymore, I think she is still mad at me for leaving England. I look down to the floor I do not want him too see me sad.

   "Lilli, are you okay? You look a little depressed." He shows a bit of concern, I never seen him show true emotion, but he looked like he cared. 

   "Sorry Hideki, just thinking a little bit to much, I am fine." I say trying to look a bit happier, and he still has his concerned look on his face. Before I could react he put his arms around mine, I feel my cheeks heat up and I look around to see nobody is around. I begin to hug him back and we stay like this for three minutes. My cheeks calm down. It seems like Ryuzaki realized what he was doing and he quickly let go, he had a confused look on his face. 

   "I apologize, Miss Chenshaw." Miss Chenshaw? Why is he suddenly formal, it kind of makes me uneasy. 

   "There is no need Ryu- Hideki. I am your friend now, you can call me Lilli like you were before." I say to him, he looks really flustered.

(*L's P.O.V.*)

   "There is no need Ryu- Hideki. I am your friend now, you can call me Lilli like you were before." She says to me. Oh, Lilliana Chenshaw, what are you doing to me. I might be very anti-social, but I really want to know you. I have as much as a interest in you as I have in a case. You might think like me, but you are very confusing, what factors do she have that makes her so appealing to my senses. I am lost from words right now.

   "Okay Lilli, what were you going to say?" I ask her, she seems like she is thinking about something.

(*Lilliana's P.O.V.*)

   "Oh yeah, I was thinking about the case and I was thinking-" L puts his finger on my lips.

   "You are not allowed to talk about this in public, we have to the hotel and then we can talk, okay?" He says to me and taking his finger off mt lips. I nod quickly and help him get his books and we walk out of the building. We walk outside and I see white crystals falling from the sky. I stopped in the middle of the path, I have seen snow from my window, it was special to me. My mother would never let me out during a storm, she said I would catch diseases. I never thought I would, I just really wanted to see the snow. Being older won't stop me from being this excited, I drop my bag and run up to the bench and sit down and look at the world around me. The snow quickly falls from a tree into the distance, all I can see is the illumination of the sun from the beautiful snow. I could never imagine it like this it is all so bright and dazzling. I suddenly feel a arm around me, I tense up. I look to my left to see L right there looking at the snow also, sitting like a normal human being. Oh here comes the puke feeling again. I put my head onto his shoulder. I think he does like me, no 'friend' would ever do that, unless they really liked there friend. I smiled and we sat there. 

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