Chapter six

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" Ben what was that?" Said sienna trying to catch up with a furios Ben.
" Im done sienna im done with your messed up family. Im sorry but im leaving dont contact me again" Ben says without any hesitation at all.
" But-but you said it yourself you were going to talk to Nico and we were a family now!" Sienna says turning back into her mentative state.
" Nico needs help sienna and so do you i just hope our child doesnt turn out like nico , spitefull and twisted." Ben says noticing hes being slightly harsh.
" how could you say that , Nicos my daughter and if you cant accept that then leave im done ben im done with all this drama its me leaving you now" sienna says forcing back the tears.
Bens left shocked that hes been outnumbered and humiliated.
" I do hope you find happiness sienna i do love you, its just to much ive just lost my little girl"
" we all have situations that arnt very nice Ben its not all about you , now that carlys gone you think its the end of the world well no it isnt , you dont have a clue what im going through! Do you? A murdering daughter ermm i mean a a "
Sienna notices shes messed up really big and her daughters life has just crumbled with 3 little words.
" you what" Ben says.

I hope you all liked it and it wasnt to boring 😪 thanks ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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