Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 1]

Start from the beginning

“Okay, I’m leaving now. Take care of her, and yourself.”

“I’m alright. Amaryllis is a tough girl. She’ll heal in time, Rue.”

Rue? Ryuzaki’s twin?

She opened her eyes in slits and saw Rue leaving the room with a warm smile.

After the door closed with a soft click, the curious girl finally opened her eyes fully. The bright light hit her irises and was forced to close her lids. She blinked repeatedly and turned to face Ryuzaki, who happens to be also looking at her.

“Good evening, Miss Amaryllis.” He greeted with a soft voice.

“…Good evening, Ryuzaki.” She tried sitting up while ignoring the pain in her back. “Where…where am I?”

“You are currently in my house. Guest room, exactly.”

“…What am I doing here?”

He blinked childishly. "You passed out at the school rooftop due to your very high fever."

"No, I mean, if I am sick, shouldn't I be at the school clinic or...or hospital?"

Ryuzaki shot him a questioning look. "Miss Amaryllis, what time do you think it is now?" They both stared at each other, not even blinking; well, not until he spoke once again. "It's already eleven o'clock."

Eleven o'clock...

Amaryllis' eyes widened, her heart racing with the thought of her parents scolding her about staying outside past her curfew. The possible outcomes made her shiver with fear, especially that the place she is currently staying is Ryuzaki's...Ryuzaki, who is a guy.

And her father forbade her to never stay at a guy's house, no matter who owns the place, not even Light's house.

Panic was now visible on her face, and she was about to stand up and leave when the panda-looking genius cleared his throat.

"Your parents knew your current whereabouts. They were here earlier, for I informed them about your situation. Don't worry, your father allowed you to stay here until tomorrow."

She only stared at him in disbelief. After a few seconds of staring battle, Ryuzaki sighed and pulled out his phone.

"Call them if you want."


It turned out thar Ryuzaki was right, as always. Amaryllis stayed there for the night, and when morning arrived, breakfast was laid on the bed, along with the medicine. After eating, she took a bath and used the clothes provided by an old man whom she heard was called Watari.

When lunch was over, she was informed that they will be driving her back home. Of course, she's very happy to return to her beloved home sweet home, but a part of her will surely miss the guy who saved him from snapping her wire and committing suicide.

Especially after that night, where Ryuzaki thought she was asleep.


It was midnight, and Amaryllis was half-asleep. The effect of the medicines made her a little bit drowsy. She was about to finally succumbed into slumber when she heard the door creak open.

Ryuzaki walked silently towards her, but she kept her eyes closed. Then there was silence.

It was like an eternity of silence until Amaryllis felt his soft fingers running down her hair, a little promise of reassurance that she'll be safe. Then he spoke in a warm voice that made her want to grab Ryuzaki into a hug and cry.

"I'll be waiting here, till then. But I won't let you drown alone."

It was a confession that made her heart wrench in guilt; she's not an idiot to not recognize it. He planted a soft kiss in her forehead, and left the room without a sound.

Can't Spell Love Without L (A Death Note Romance Fan fiction) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now