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Keito felt his father fidgeting beside him. He chuckled quietly, not wanting to get scolded on this special day. He stared around him. It was nearly 4 in the afternoon. They thought the time frame over. They made sure that the time is right since they wanted to watch the sunset right after the wedding. It would be a perfect day.

The reception would also be here. It was so colorful. They couldn't really decide which color to choose. They could have gone for pink since the family was all pink lovers but then thought it over again so they chose to have a rainbow colored motif.

All his new found friends were here and also her special girl.

He was the best man and she was the bridesmaid, nothing could be more perfect. She was very beautiful in a pink flowing halter gown which ended on her knees. Her belt was black and her hair was adorned by a pink and black ribbon. She was flushing, probably because of the heat of the sun and the air of the beach.

It was such a perfect view for a wedding. The smell of the beach mingled with the aroma of the wine and the luscious foods. He knew that his father was really rich, but never would he have imagined that he would spend a fortune on this kind of occasion.

He was a bit nervous when he saw the guests. Some of them were from Korean showbiz industry and some are from Japan.

He could recognize some of them. The whole Super Junior was there. KRY would be singing the wedding song which he anticipates the most. Other members of other KPOP group were also there. His father was quite popular.

Daiki had even pointed a woman who was once had a scandal with their father. They eyed her for a long time and decided that their mother was prettier, bitterness aside.

His whole company was also there. They were very enthusiastic about the wedding and helped in the preparation. They even had stationed some press to cover the said to be wedding of the century.

What really annoyed him were the eyes that had been staring at the bridesmaids. Some of them has confused look at their eyes, probably asking who the girls are. Some were looking at them as if they want to devour the girls. He even saw one of the younger guys talked to Karina earlier. He seemed to be batting an eye on her. Of course, he trusted his girlfriend but not entirely the guy, so he tried to follow the guy's every movement.

Keito also felt the tension in his friends. They were sharing the same sentiments. They couldn't really get near their girlfriends because of the whole press thing so they contented themselves on checking those people who get near the girls.

They had been planning to have fun after the wedding. His father bought an island where they could stay. They would board the family's newly purchased yacht and go to the island where his parents would spend their honeymoon. Of course, they would have a different place to stay. They wouldn't want to bother the lovebirds. Keito smiled at that thought.

He was still mesmerized with the surrounding when he heard the bells rang. He felt his father straightened. He smiled. His father was really nervous though he was smiling. His father was wearing a tailored white tux that made him look like a prince.

Compared to him, his father was more handsome and charming probably because his father was known to be 'Korea's Aegyo Prince' that he still bore that same image. He, on the other hand was the cool one. He had been thinking, if Daiki was a real son, Daiki would probably the one to inherit his father's image.

He noticed his father froze on his side. He looked at where his father was staring. His jaw drop as his mother entered, hand and hand with Daiki who was all smiles. She had her veil covering her face but she was sure that she was really pretty in there.

The audience went silent as they stared at her walking on the isle. The music was the only thing you can hear on the background. It seemed like the sea also stopped in awe as no waves could be heard. She walked with Daiki. She was simply mesmerizing, so surreal. She was wearing a white strapless silk gown that end just above her knees, though the tail at the back was so long that she was dragging it with her. It was a very simple gown yet all her curves were emphasized. It was just perfect for the beach.

Pink azaleas were bunched up in her hands.

Keito smiled. He knew that his mom was very happy and he knew that Music and Love had came back in their life.


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