Chapter One - Arrival

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130 A.L., Year of Rusty 12, Wednesday.

            A sleek, green watercraft surfaced on the beach.

            A hatch slid open, a small puff of air escaping. And from the opening that was created, a cat carefully stepped over the threshold. Then tripped, and almost fell on the sandy shore. But, using his tail, he managed to catch himself and stay upright.

            Grinning apologetically, he turned back to say goodbye to his parents, as so many other young cats were doing along the beach. His parents were attempting to seem happy, if only to humor their son, but it had no effect. The drab, gray Cadet Camp building behind them was rather depressing, and it was also 3 o’clock in the morning, which is not the best time of day for happiness.

            Whisker laughed, rubbing his chin in a mock-thoughtful way. “Oh come on, you guys, it’s not like I won’t have any friends, and it’s not like you’re not going to see me again. I just can’t see what you have to be dreary about.”

            His dad purred. “And yet you obviously do.”

            “I suppose, if you want to go that deep into the matter. But I’d better just leave, or else all the fish will die because of that salty waterfall coming out of mom’s eyes. I’m pretty sure the Cadet Camp caretakers wouldn’t be too happy about that.” Whisker’s tail flicked up into the air and let it came down to rest on the sand.

            His mother looked up and managed to choke out a small laugh, which was hard because she was, indeed, crying. So was his dad, though he was attempting to hide it behind a paw. “Go on, son, get out of here before you make us choke to death,” his father said, stepping over the threshold to quickly hug Whisker, “Good luck, and come back to us in four years with that body of yours even stronger!” His father crossed his paws over his collarbone in a quick C.A.T. salute and stepped back into the craft, toggling the green ‘Dive’ button. “Go show them why you’re called Whisker, son!” he said as the hatch closed. Another small puff of air escaped, and his figure was, unceremoniously, gone from sight.

            Whisker smiled and saluted his father back, already thinking about what the induction ceremony would be like. He ran up the beach and started up the grassy hill with the call, “I have long whiskers!” Though his father and mother couldn’t hear him - they were already speeding back to the underground house where Whisker used to live - it was only meant for his ears, as a joke for him to purr at. Whisker didn’t care much that his parents were gone, as he would see them again. What mattered most was that he enjoyed whatever he was doing. Which he knew he could, and hopefully would.

            The new Cadet turned at the top of the hill and waved his tail excitedly, gazing at the scene below him. Watercraft were arriving and departing in the wan light of Planet Cat’s two moons, as parents discharged their sons and daughters into the care of the C.A.T. army, and let them swarm up the hill towards the main building. Here were the most talented youth of the planet, and all in one place.

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