Sudden Much? (Chapter 3)

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It Gets Better Than This? 

Chapter 3

Sudden Much? [non edited]

I walked him to the nurses office and filled out the accident report. and by him i mean, yep, jesse. he was bleeding from his lip and his nose and was bent outta shape. well- let me go back to what i saw in the lunch room. 

“oh my-” i yelled out when i realised who was on the ground knocked out. 

“jesse!” i shook him hard. 

“slap him.” leah said with a hint of laughter in his voice. i did it with out thinking it over. and i did so hard. he sat up, his hand darting to his cheek, and looked at me. not mad. or annoyed. but with something more. an emotion i couldnt describe. he has to have felt it this time. the sparks. he must have. he quickly regains composure. 

“thanks dude.” 

“No problem” i reply, still in shock. (pun intended) 

my mind lapsed into its fantasy world where jesse was gay- and liked me. all of a sudden there were fingers being snapped in my face. 

“You mind helping me get to the infirmary?” jesse said to my dazzled self. 

“sure?” i answer sounding more like a question. 

“okay then.” he says as he tries to stand up. this is the moment leah decides to interrupt. 

“but the party.” she pouts, which queues me to look around. there are decorations and cake. 

“Lea, i slapped him. least i could do is help him to the infirmary.” 

“Okay” she says mad

“ill make it up to you. i promise.” she lightens up to this. 

“We welcome you to our school. now go get this kid to the nurses office. see you in class” and with that she walks off. 

“What the-”

“hell” i finish off for jesse. 

“that was weird” jesse says from where his head was now resting on my shoulder. i jumped foward and regained composure. 

“lets just go.” i say with a smile. he smiles back and i forget whats happening for a second. “where is this place we are headed to?”

“the infirmary is a 10 minute walk, on the college part of campus.” he starts walking ahead of me. i look around and see NO ONE outside. we walk for a minute or so before he falls backwards, and i catch him by his arm. once he is up his hand snakes into mine and squezes as he takes a deep breath. “mitch i think i just twisted my ankle. fo you mind...” 

“no not at all.” i interupt him before it gets awkward. i know he is talking about our hands. i blush slightly but turn my head so he doesnt see. 

we walk, hand in hand, for five or so minutes. the sparks never cease to shoot through my arm, the tender warmth filling me. his hand shifts in mine so that our f ingers entertwine, and he pulls my arm over his head and onto his shoulder, his fingers never leaving mine. 

“Its easier for me to walk this way” is his excuse, but im not complaining. 

he stops and turns top look at me. 

“rain check on you helping me walk, we are here.” he half smiles and i see a hidden emotion in his eyes. disapointment? he limps into the office and leaves me in the waiting area to fill in the papers. so here i am now, his nose fixed and his lip no longer bleeding, a wrap around his ankle. the nurse brings me into the office and i sit on the side chair. i hand her the paper and she looks over it. 

“so you were just speaking to your friend when this guy jumped you, punched you, and then ran away? unusual...”

“how long untill he is okay? class starts soon.” i say nervously. 

“He can go. be careful young man.” she says to him 

“i will. thanks ma’am.” he says and i extend my arm for him to lean on. we walk outside and he returns us to our previous position. 

“You STILL need help walking?” i whine, yet let my enjoyment be clearly shown. 

Jesses POV

“Yes.” i say as i close my eyes, enjoying the sparks shooting through my hand, flaring up and down. i pull him close and rest my head on his shoulder. we walk for a few minutes and i enjoy this. him holding me. i endulge in the pleasure of this oh so wrong position. my mind wanders as a comfortable silence engulfs us. while thinking of randomness, my mind settles on one question. what if i kissed him? he must have feeling for me if he hasnt pushed me away. and as crazy as this is, i think i might like him. he is godly hot and his attitude is hilarious- in a good way. i stop him. “Mitch” i turn to him and in his confusion hug him, my arms around his neck, his arms falling into place around my hips after a moment of confusion. 

“Thanks.” i whisper into his ear. “i needed a hug.”

i breath in and out, fighting the urges the sparks are giving me. I pull back and look into his eyes and decide to go for it. 

“Kiss me.” i whisper. 

His hot lips capture mine and his arms tighten around my waist, pulling us together. He suddenly pulls back and turns away, grabbing me by the colar of my shirt. he pulls me into the family washroom which was oh-so-conviniently located at the entrance to the east wing, which we were in front of. he locks the door and pushes me against the wall, where his lips attack me all over again. his hands grasp my shirt and pull me as his tongue forces its way into my mouth, exploring. my hands make their way down to his ass and his back arches into my body. i gring our lower halfs together, moaning in pleasure when i feel his hard on against mine. we lean back and break the kiss out of breath, and he leans his head against mine. we stare into each others eyes and i get a sudden courage. i ask without hesitation, 

“will you go out with me?”


[Authors Note...] 


lifes been crazy. im writing more soon. ill have pleanty of time to do so 2marrow so... wish me luck? you get to find out what happens at xaves house next! yay! i love you all... 

have a great weekend. =) 

Vote? if you liked it! 

Comment? if you wanna make my day and help me grow as a writer. 

Fan? if you havent already ;) 

this chapter is dedicated to my mommy... crissycalabria. =)

Pablo G. A.K.A the Paabs! <3 

oh and one more thing! if you are all serious about BXB’s and GXG’s, well LGBT stories in general, you know that we have been trying for out own category for awhile. well, my friend “more_random_thoughts” (whom im helping wrte a really excellent bxb called run with me) made a profile called “” where we are trying to get every single LGBT story into its library to prove a point that there are alot of us with LGBT stories and if we can max the # or stories int he library than that will help us alot to prove our point. if you have a LGBT story or know people who have them, suggest your stories to my friend and theirs as well. thanks people. =)

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