Meeting Xave (Chapter -1)

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ohkay readers beware. this is not chapter 2. its chapter -1. the backstory. enjoy.

It Gets Better Than This?

Chapter -1

Meeting Xave

I jumped out of the car and sighed. This is it. 10th grade. Wow.

"I can't believe it." My mom tells me drearily. "You're growing up."

"Yea mom, that tends to happen." I retort jokingly, sarcasm pouring out of my every word.

"Oh shut up." She tells me just as playfully as me. "Hello Madeline." My mom greets kindly, making me turn my head to see my girlfriend, Maddy, walking towards us. She is mid height, with long legs and a short torso. She has black hair and gray eyes. She's wearing some leggings and a blouse that has peace signs in different colors of the rainbow all over it. She has her hair curly, right off her shoulder. I open my left arm and she melts into my hold. I kiss her temple and my mom yells at me.

"Ill kiss her if I want!" I joke. But of course right away Maddy has to go bitchy.

"Good bye Ms. Caldwell." She says in the rudest way possible, still signaling she want to go.

"Oh its Ms. Spencer sweaty." My mom says brushing Maddys rudeness off and letting me know she got the message loud and clear.

"See you later mom." I yell over my shoulder as I turn toward the school and walk forward. We are a few steps away from the front door when she turns me, forcefully, towards her. I wince slightly in pain. I am not the strongest kid on the block. I'm kinda scrawny.

"Mitch, I need you to kiss me." She says seriousness practically dripping from her mouth.

"What? Why?" I ask, amused.

"I'm being serious Mitch. Kiss me or ill tell everyone you're..." she trails off, looking for the right thing to say next. Just as she is about to give up, a guy walks between us. He is dark tanned, with spiky black hair. He is wearing dark blue jeans, and a loose green t- shirt. With "Twilight: Breaking Dawn" in hand and a leather jacket thrown over his shoulder, I know right away that this guy is badass. He turns around, and while starring directly at me says, "Names Xave. See you around?" with a wink and walking into the building. I was left gapping at him. Staring at his...ass? What the? I switch my gaze back to Maddy, who has the luminescent look of a lightbulb going on in her head. The next word she says sends shivers down my spine. The mere ridicule of the word haunts me to the bone.


[A.N.] I was going to end it here, but that's way too short. Your all extremely lucky. =P

"You can't cuz im not." I recover quickly.

"They all don't know that. And I can argue differently." She says with a mischievous voice.

"You don't need to be so rash, ill... kiss you." I say reluctantly. Begrudgingly. I suddenly feel mad at her for making me kiss her. I'm... not ready? I don't know. Next thing I know her lips are thrust upon mine, the feel cold and clammy. I felt my heart clench. I didn't want her. I didn't want her at all. I had this creeping suspicion that we were close to over. That show we put on for my mom? Exactly that. A show. I pull away and push her.

"Maddy, were over." I say and walk away mad. Furious. Why did she do that? Ugh.

"Ill tell everyone you're gay!" she yells down the hall towards me.

"I'm not!" I yell back, louder. For everyone to hear. I enter the classroom and see everyone in their seats, starring at me. I turn to ms. Saldwin and say, "Good morning." Before walking to the back of the class and sitting next to a smirking Xave.

"Hey." He says flirtatiously, although not letting his eyes leave the teacher, who is speaking to us.

"Hey." I say back emotionlessly, my mind still mad, not wanting to talk.

"What happened out there was uncalled for on her part. Wanna come over to my house later so we can talk about it?"

I really need him to leave me alone. I'm about to answer no but something stops me. I turn to look at him and his eyes meet mine for a split second. I can't refuse his offer. I need someone new to talk to.

"You know what? Sure." I say as the bell rings.

"Great." He gets up with a genuine smile and kisses my forehead. "see you later babe." I stare at him in utter shock, a blush creeping up my cheeks. He walks away. I'm frozen in my chair, gapping yet again at this kid. Oh my gosh. What have I gotten myself into?

"Mitcheal?" asks Ms. Saldwin.

"Yes?" I reply dazed.

"Get out!" she says entirely serious.

"Oh." Is all I say before rushing out of the classroom in a mad dash, to find my old friend, "Doctor" Phil.


Ahh. Chapter -1. Whaddo you think? I hope you like it.

Vote? If you like it.

Comment? If you wanna make my day and give me feedback.

Fan? If you think I deserve it. I love you all. Have a good tuesday.

-Pablo G. aka the paabs<3

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