Soon the teacher caught our attention.

"You guys can talk for today since we got a bit more than a handful of new student today. So free no- work day." The teacher stated as he sat in his chair behind his desk.

A bunch of students hollered excitedly. Immidetely, everyone began talking.

I rolled my eyes before opening my notebook to draw randomly.

"Hey! NEW GIRL!"

I ignored it and focused on doodling.

A bunch of guys chuckled behind me as they sat in the back of the class. They talked the loudest.

"So what do you guys think of the new chic?" some guy asked.

"Eh. She's okay."

"I think she's hot. "

"Dude! She looks weird. "

"Yeah, but look at her! Her face is average, but her body-"

A scarlet blush made it across my face. I tried to ignore them by looking out the window.


Ignore these idiots. I highly doubt that any of these morons are "the one". A small voice in the back of my head said. Oh my god, a small voice.. I really am going insane.. And with that, all hopes of a boyfriend possibly were gone! I mentally sighed. The voice is right though.. those idiots wouldn't even have a chance with like me. Someone as strong and beautiful- ok maybe not beautiful but I'm average- I think...

As soon as the bell rang, I jumped out of my seat and raced out the door.

Somehow, though, Rebecca caught up with me.

"Hey so what class you got next?" She asked sweetly.

I took out my schedule and handed it to her.
"Cool! Most of our classes are together." She smiled happily.

Smiling, I commented, "Awesome."

"Look I don't know you really, but wanna hang out?" she asked.

I raised an eyebrow at her. Are we becoming friends?

"Sure? When?"

"At lunch. "


We walked and talked all the way to English.

The day went by quickly. Soon it was lunch. THANK GODS!

  Rebecca led me to the busy cafeteria.  I got myself some pizza with her and she led to a table.

At the table four guys sat and one other girl than Rebecca.

The one girl has short blond hair, tan skin, and had brown eyes.

A guy sat next to her, he had tan skin, built, short black hair, and brown eyes.

Two guys sat in front of the girl and black haired boy.

One of those two guys had tan skin, built, red short hair, and green eyes.

The guy next to him was built, pale skin, brown short hair, and blue eyes.

I smiled shyly again as Rebecca introduces me before sitting down next to the short haired girl.

"Guys this is Kate. She's new here. "

I smiled shyly. "

"OI! I CALL DIBBS THAT SHE SITS BY ME!" The red head shouted.

"NO! SHE GONNA SIT BY ME!" The blue eyed guy shouted back childishly.

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