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We leave the party at 12:30 because Tasha was sleepy and had work at 9. She lays in the back seat as I drive home shaks.
"You were great" he said.
"Ehh it was aiite but thanks" I smile.
"So when you coming by?" He says looking at me.
"Umm Tuesday maybe" I hand him my phone while looking at the road.
"Gimme your number" I said.
"Thought you'd never ask" he says smiling.
"Whatever" I laugh.

I pull into his driveway and take my phone.
"Thanks for the ride" I raise one brow and smile. He leans over and Tasha asks,
"Are we home B?" He sighs and looks to the backseat.
"Naw shawty we at my house you coming in?" She just stared with her heavy eyes.
"I'll text you shaks" I say laughing and he gets out and waves.

I get home and help Tasha find her key.
"It's this one" I try the key and it doesn't turn.
"Try this one" she says handing me another key.
"Nope" I said after trying the key.
She holds them up to her eyes real close.
"Ahh this!" I turn the key and push open the door and she lies on the couch. I lock the door and take off her shoes and cover her up.

I lie down and my phone buzzes.

Babyboy: I miss you already.
Me: Big baby :P

Hey wait.. Babyboy? Pssshh. I change it.

Shaks: what are doing?
Me: sleeping.
Shaks: lol nice sweet dreams.

I put the phone on the night stand and doze off.

I wake up to a knocking echoing through the empty house.
"I'm coming!" I say as the persistent person continues knocking.
"Hi we'd just like to talk to you ab-" I slammed the door.
Jehovah witnesses! I ain't got time for it.
"Just 5 minutes"
"Not even 5 seconds leave!" I say
"Please just listen" I open the door.
"Now listen.. I'm not into all the preaching and I advise you to leave before this gets out of control"
"Please 2 minutes to hear a word of God"
"God spoke to me last night and told me not to take that last shot I've heard enough please leave"
"Ok just take this" he hands me a booklet. Watchtower.
"Thank you" he leaves.
I throw it on the floor behind me and shut the door. I draw a cross over my chest and go back to bed. Early Sunday morning and they waking me to give me paper. Leave the trees alone!

I wake up at 12:10 and check my phone.

Tasha: Hey I left breakfast in the microwave for you hurry before the ants get it I'll be back at 4.

I put back my phone and went to wash my face. I open the microwave and see bacon and eggs and toast. Well well well. I take it out and eat it with orange juice.

I bathe and dress in a sweat pants and a tank. I call the dude from last night.
"Hello Daniel's Recording Productions how may I help you?" A lady says.
"Yes I'm calling for Daniel"
"Oh you're the 2:30?"
"Huh? I'm not sure"
"I'll transfer you to his office" she says and the phone clicks twice.
"Hi Becky it's Daniel"
"I've got you scheduled for today at 2:30" I look up at the clock, 2:10
"Oh I can make it"
"Great see you soon"

I hang up and dash to change. I then fixed my hair and grabbed my car keys.

I arrived 15 minutes later and walked up to the desk.
"Good afternoon, I'm Becky"
"Good afternoon, take the elevator to the 5th floor and turn right then left it's the grey door by the coffee machine" I tried to picture it all and remember as I punch the button for the elevator.

It stopped at the 5th floor and I turned right and walked down the hall and turned left. BINGO! I saw the door and knocked.

"Come in" I go in and see someone sitting in a black chair backing me and looking through the window. The chair span around and Lord someone give me life support this man is drop dead gorgeous.
"Hey" he smiles and I melt.

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