Chapter 1

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Jason woke up to the morning eerie sounds coming from the trees surrounding his crib and the whooshing of the wind. This house was built by his great grand father in the mid 1800. The house had the structure of an old wooden bungalow similar to those found in rural Arkansas.
Mornings are always the worst part of Jason's everyday session. Another thing is his overly pessimistic mom,Kate.
"Get up, sleepy head" She shouted with all her might.
"Coming " Jason said almost cursing, which is considered surly by his mom. She's always seeing the bad side of everything. Getting off bed for Jason is nothing different from trying to tie down a skunk; Nearly impossible.
Jason got off bed and blindly slipped off his pajamas and put on his boxer short and a singlet showing off his biceps. Blindly approaching his bedroom door,he knocked his head on his bedroom door cus the night sleep has totally taken over his weary brain and he couldn't even think straight. He mumbled something to him self gently rubbing his bumpy head. Apparently, he clearly forgot that he had to open the door before he'd be able to get out.
Still feeling the sharp aching pain on his forehead, courtesy to his bedroom door. His weary eye finally opened up.
Walking like rabid zombie, he finally made it to the kitchen after over 27 painful steps. His leg felt like a rod dipped into industrial glue.
"Where's Dad" he asked with a big frown on his face.
"He's out" His sister Carmen replied with a smile.
"But its only 6:38 in the morning " He raised his face, trying hard to register the number on the digital clock in the top upper corner of the kitchen.
"Jason, go take your bath and get ready for school ,sweetie" His mom said softly.
"Okay mom,I will"
He starred at what his mom was cooking and took some out of it. She slapped his hands.
"Mooom!!! I was just....." He was caught off by his mom's voice
"Jason,I thought I told you to go take your bath" She said rather loudly.
Off he left to his room,where he could have his own time. He couldn't question his mom,Why would he? She was too possessive. She wouldn't let him talk. All he possibly could do was to sit and watch. He managed to have a rather unusual shower. He got off his bathroom , dried himself up. Slipped into a black trousers and a white hooded shirt. He took his time to decide what shoe he was going to wear. He finally settled for a brown timberland boots. Picking up his bagpack,he left his room said goodbye to his mom and left the house without waiting for his sister Carmen.

Hey guys this is my first post on wattpad. The story's done and I just had to publish the first chapter and try hear what you guys has to say about it. Correct me where am wrong ,keep liking and keep posting comments,thanks.

Hey guys, check out my other works, Earth Ruins and The girl on the next street....they are awesome

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