Chapter 12: Snake Charmer

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"Probably a Saturday." She needed to know anyway, so she asked him, "What are you doing this Saturday?"

"We're playing at a private party, but it doesn't start until eight. We could go to dinner at six."

She shook her head and smiled as she said, "I just started thinking about it. No rush."

"Maybe next Saturday then?"

Mellie nodded.

Marissa nearly shouted, "Oh! I got it!" Her voice lowered to normal. "Felipe's." No one else had been there, so she explained, "It's this tiny hole in the wall place, very romantic, dim lighting, hushed atmosphere. You can hear the silverware clinking gently. People talk in low tones because the place just naturally causes them to."

Jax smiled at Mellie and said, "Sounds perfect."

Mellie nodded.

Jax asked Marissa, "Do you need reservations?"

Marissa said, "I think so, because it's so small."

Mellie asked, "What if I want a more casual, less romantic place?" Her friends looked confused, so she smiled and said, "Like if I wanted to go with my dad."

There was yet another lengthy debate. Marissa insisted several times that the walls that separated the tables at Outback Steakhouse helped immensely. The others said the background noise was still an issue and the bar got rowdy on the weekends. Still, that sounded like Mellie's best bet. She thought about it as she returned to her house. She knew she shouldn't go there if she was due for a migraine, which made her realize it had been a while. She counted back and a huge smile broke out on her face when she realized it had been nine weeks!

Mellie ran into her dad's study and said, "Daddy!"

Frank swiveled around in his chair and smiled at her excitement. "Yes?"

"It's been nine weeks since my last headache!"

With a little laugh, Frank nodded. "I know. I didn't want to say anything and jinx it."

"This is awesome!"

"Yes, it is!" Frank grinned. "You haven't had a headache since you got together with Jax. I know he's embarrassed when I catch him in your bed, but honestly, if he has this effect on you, he can sleep over every night."

Mellie laughed and said, "I'll let him know."

When Jax came over later, Mellie immediately announced, "It's been nine weeks since my last headache!"

Jax grinned and said, "I know. I didn't want to jinx it."

She laughed. "That's what daddy said."

He nodded. "I'm thrilled, Mellie."

Smiling happily, she took his hand and led him to her bedroom. Once there, she told him, "Daddy pointed out that I haven't had a headache since we got together. He said if you have this effect on me, you're welcome to sleep over every night."

Jax chuckled and pulled her into a hug. "Good to know." He did head home late that night anyway.

In the morning, Mellie remembered to text Jake: "Outback Steakhouse, Sat, 8."

Jake replied, "Yes! Meet you there." He was really smiling at her in homeroom. She gave him a mild warning look, and he chuckled but turned his eyes to the teacher.

Dinner was amusingly awkward with Jax's parents. They seemed to take their cue from Frank who was obviously relaxed and happy about Jax and Mellie's relationship. Topics such as birth control and condoms came up, making Mellie blush and want to hide under the table. It was much easier to talk about their college plans. All the parents were happy the couple would be staying in Atlanta as it would be much easier than trying to maintain a long distance relationship.

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