Chapter 2: Secret is Born

Start from the beginning

A little while later I walked into a quiet and empty house. Julie looked about the house the best she could as we walked up the stairs to my room. I went through my closet and pulled out my suitcase and throw it on the bed. I walked around throwing things I would need, knowing I wouldn't be coming back.

As I threw some clothes into the suitcases, Julia picked up a few photos, that were on my desk before turning and looked at me "Is this him?" she asks holding a frame in her hand.

I walked over and saw it was a photo from that night. When was this taken? I didn't remember taking a photo with him. "That's him, can we please not talk about this. We need to hurry before someone comes home." I said, throwing the frame on top of everything zipping up my bag and placing it by the door and finished packing my second one of a few personal things I wanted. Finally done, we walked out of the room, and Julia went to put the bags in my car has I wrote my parents a letter letting them know I wasn't coming back home.

Mom, Dad

I don't really know how to tell you this, so I'm just going to come out and tell you. I'm leaving. There are some things that have happened that I need to take care of on my own. So I won't be coming home anytime soon. Matter of fact, I don't know when I will be back, but please know I do love you. You're the best parents a girl can ask for. You have done nothing wrong, but I must go out on my own.

Your loving daughter- Lilly

I placed the note on the refrigerator door, knowing whoever got home first would see it and knew that I had left home. I sighed and took one last look around as I closed the door behind me and walked out into the great unknown. Julia was smiling at me as she handed me a piece of paper "Here's my brother's address. He said you could stay there until you figure out everything." I took the sheet and gave her a small smile. "I'll be there in a few weeks after the class is over. I have a feeling; we're going to become best friends," she commits clapping her hands, which made me laugh as I got back in my car.

I took one last look at my childhood home as tears started running down my faces has I pull out of the drive. When I turn the corner, I spotted my mother's car coming towards me but doesn't pay much attention as she was on her phone. That's when I let the waterworks out knowing I would never see my mother again and hear her tell me good morning or sweet dreams. That my life was turning into something that was completely unknown to me. My life had always been planned out for me. Now I was throwing it all away because I made the mistake and got myself pregnant.

I knew it wasn't all my faults that I was pregnant, but I wasn't about to call up Chance and say, "Remember that night, when we last saw one another? Well, you got me pregnant. Congratulations, you're going to be a dad, let's party." I really didn't see that going down too well. I knew the type of person he was, and I still let myself fall under his spell, so I felt it was going to be my responsibility to take care of this baby on my own. I sighed, shaking away the last of the tears and putting the address into the GPS and set out on my six-hour drive.

I had been on the freeway for about ten minutes when my phone started ringing. I picked it up and saw my mother's name. Not knowing what to do, I threw the phone out the window and watched, in my side mirror, as a truck smashing it into small pieces. Well, at least this way they can't contact me or vice-a-versa. Now all I need to get a new car, so they don't send the police out to find me.

* * * * * 

It was dark, by the time I pulled up to a one-story home. From what I could tell it was a small cottage like home with a few lights on here and there. I breathe in deeply thankful the sickness from earlier surpassed during the drive here. I step out of the car when I saw the front door open, and a young man walked out. "Hi, you must be Lilly. I'm Greg, Julia's brother, please come in." He said, holding out his hand for me to shake.

I just stood there when another guy came outside, "Who might this be?" Still standing in the dark I couldn't make out what they looked like, but I could tell this guy was shorter than the first guy.

"Carlos, get her bags and put it in the guest room, then go home. We still have to open the restaurant early," Greg told him and put his hand on my lower back to guide me to the house, but I moved out of his hold and just followed behind him.

When we walked in I could see an empty pizza box on the coffee table and a baseball game playing on the TV. "Thanks for helping me," I said, walking in, has he turned to me. I looked into his brown eyes that held a sense of warmness to them. With his short but messy brown hair and his ragged beard, he seems like a laid-back person. "Not to be rude but why are you and your sister so willing to help me."

He just laughed and sat down on the couch and looked back at the game that was still playing, "I can't speak for Julia, but if she wants to help someone in need, then I see it being no harm to go along with it." He looked back over at me, "But the difference is, I know about your family's reputation among the restaurant business. So I expect the best from you no matter what job I throw at you." I shook my head in understanding while feeling a little anguish about working for him.

I was still standing there when the other guy walked in with my bags, "Rude much, making your guests stand there." He said making Greg turn and look at him. "Come on sweetheart, I'll show you to the guest room since Greg's being lazy." I just looked down at the ground and follow behind the guy, who was carrying my bags. "Here you go; I'm sure you're tired, so I'll let you get some sleep. However, I'll say I can't wait to start working with one of the famous Dunn family members. I think it will do us all some good to have you here." He laughs closing the door behind him.

I could feel the sleep start to take over as I crawled beneath the covers. Thinking how I was in the unknown and that in a few months' time, I was going to be a single mother of a newborn baby.

Revised 09/09/2016

copyright © 2013 Letty Scott/Embrace_Passion (All Rights Revered)

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