Misadventure #1: Wolf Taming

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"Hey, Alex, come here!"

Alex hurried down the stairs to where Steve stood near the front doors. He held a bone in his hands. "What's up, Steve?" she asked.

"Take this," the teal-shirted boy said as he gave Alex the bone.

Alex looked down at it, a confused look growing on her face. "What is this for?"

"It's for taming wolves. Follow me." Steve led Alex out of the house and into the forest around it. He scanned the woods for a moment before his eyes landed on a wild wolf roaming between the trees about twenty blocks away. Pointing at it, he ordered, "Go give it to that one and see if it will agree to be yours." Looking back at her, he added with a smug smile, "You'll need a loyal companion to both give you company and to protect you."

Alex blinked at him. "Well, I don't disagree with you," she responded good-humoredly and gave a giggle. "Alright. I'll do it." She began to walk slowly toward the wolf, trying her best not to alarm it and show that she was friendly.

"And make sure you don't punch it," Steve warned her from behind, "or you'll regret it!"

Alex looked over her shoulder and gave Steve a thumbs up to assure him she wouldn't. She approached the wolf and halted in front of it, gazing down at its cuteness. "Hi, little wolf!" she greeted it cheerfully. She got the bone out between her and the wolf, waving it a little and getting the wolf's attention on it. It tilted its head, and Alex let out a giggle. "You want the bone?" she asked it. "If I give it to you, you have to agree to be mine, okay?" The wolf wagged its tail and gave a yip of agreement, causing another giggle to bubble out of Alex.

Make sure you don't punch it, Steve's words came back to Alex.

She froze in front of the wolf, continuing to look down at it, but with a blank expression. But what if I do punch it? she wondered greatly. What would happen then?

"Might as well do it and find out myself!" she chirped blissfully.

Taking the bone, Alex punched the wolf with it. The wolf emitted a whine of pain, and Alex saw its eyes grow red.

Alex took a few steps backward. "That... can't be good..." she mused nervously. The wolf began to growl deeply, its fur bristling, and its eyes fully red. It took a couple steps toward her, and bared its teeth. "Shoot," she hissed out, and her eyes grew wide.

The wolf leaped at her and bit her, and she let out a scream of pain, her vision going black.

A moment later, however, she opened her eyes and saw that she was in her room, lying on her bed. She blinked a few times, trying to understand what just happened. "Did I just... die?" she asked no one in particular.


She heard Steve's yell from outside even from where she was in her room it was that loud. She remained lying there as she heard the front doors slam shut, stomping up the stairs, and finally Steve burst into her room. His face was screwed up in rage.

"I thought I told you to not punch the wolf!" he yelled.

"Did I just die?" Alex asked the question again.

"YES!" he shouted, but he flinched as he realized how harsh he was being and took a few ticks to calm himself down. He took a deep breath and repeated with new composure, "Yes, you did just die. That's what happens when you punch wild wolves. They attack you and won't return to their normal state unless they get their revenge. And if there are multiple wolves around, if you punch even one, the entire pack will go after you." He paused, looking away and then back at Alex, who had pushed herself up and was sitting on the edge of her bed. "That was your first death, wasn't it?"

"Obviously," Alex replied, "since I am asking if I died."

As Steve gazed at her, he smiled and came to sit on the bed next to her. "I know it's only been three days since you spawned here, and I know you are going to die a lot more" - he earned one of Alex's signature giggles from this - "but my goal is to make you as knowledgeable in the World of Minecraft as I am. I am aware that there are going to be several more mistakes made like this, but I want you to promise me that you will be careful, okay?"

Alex smiled at him, her green eyes shimmering with delight. "Okay!" she agreed. She then got up from her bed and left her room, down the stairs, and out the front door with Steve following behind her, wondering what she was doing. She stopped outside the house to look at the wolf that had killed her. It was nibbling on the bone that she had dropped when she died.

Steve came up beside her. "Do you want to try to tame it again? Hopefully it will have no hard feelings."

A smile grew on Alex's ever-joyful face, but she shook her head. "No. I think I learned my lesson: don't try to tame wild wolves."


Hurrah! I finally posted an actual part to the short story collection! Hope you all like this first misadventure :3

As you read, I was kind of having Alex act like a little kid, who didn't know better and let curiosity get the better of her. Or I guess in some cases, a "noob" XD We've all been there before, though! xP

Again, I do not have any set schedule for this little "series" or whatever you want to call it, so don't be upset if I don't post a new part for a while. If you are absolutely dying for Minecraft stories from me, then I will point you towards a 2nd-person one-part story I wrote a long time ago, titled Ghost of Minecraft. I hope it will catch some of your interests :)

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