The Origin

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Long ago, there was nothing. Only blackness, coldness, numbness. And it was like this for many millenniums.

Until suddenly, a spark ignited out of nowhere.

But this was not just an ordinary spark; it was cubed. A box. A small, infinitesimal cube, shining with the colors of brown, teal, blue, and gray. It sat in the dark emptiness for as long as it needed, as if reassuring itself to do more. It then, just as unexpected as its first appearance, began to grow. It kept growing and growing, and shining more brightly than ever. Once it had reached its peak, a large explosion erupted, and a deafening boom reverberated in the void.

As the light receded, it revealed what was never there before: life. Only, it was, like the spark, made of cubes. Of boxes. There were trees, rivers, and clouds. A square sun ruled the day, and a square moon ruled the night alongside its star warriors. Even the animals, who grazed peacefully in the grass of plains and below the trees of forests, were cubed.

Even the person was cubed.

It was a boy. He had short, brown hair, and wore a teal shirt, along with blue pants and gray shoes. His blue eyes shone in the sunlight as he stood still.

Then, again, like the spark, he burst into action with no warning, and he walked up to a tree. Punching it and breaking a block of wood, he picked it up and stared at it. As he did, a single word came to him: Steve.

And he knew what he must do.

This is how the boy named Steve and the World of Minecraft were born.


Little did Steve know, however, that there was another spark in the center of the cubed world, in the depths of its void beneath all the dirt, all the stone, and all the bedrock.

This spark was a much smaller one than the first, much more discrete. It shone with a dimmer light of orange, green, brown, and gray, but it held much potential.

Many, many rotations of the sun and moon later from the origin of Steve and the World, the dimmer spark began to grow. It kept growing and growing, and shining more brightly than ever. Once it had reached its peak, a large explosion erupted, and a deafening boom reverberated in the void, and it shook the cubed earth above on which the life thrived.

As the light receded in the void, it revealed the emptiness that had been there from the start, before the origin of Steve and the World.

On the solid ground above all the bedrock, all the stone, and on the dirt, appeared a girl. She had long, orange hair gathered in a ponytail, it resting on her left shoulder, and wore a green shirt, along with brown pants and gray boots. Her green eyes shone in the sunlight as she stood still.

And she continued to stand still.

She did not move, for she did not know what to do.

She did not know where she was.

She did not know who she was.

But then, Steve, who was out in the forest on a stroll, saw her between the trees. He approached her slowly, very slowly, as if worried he would might startle her, but at the same time, was scared. He had never seen another being like him, with the exception of zombies, who, in reality, were nothing like him.

When he was even three blocks away from the girl, Steve stopped. Her back was to him, so he slowly curved around to the other side. The beauty of her face immediately struck him, and the sight of Steve triggered the girl to draw in her first deep breath and take a step back. Steve threw up his hands beside him, assuring her that he was not armed. Assuring her that he did not want to harm her.

"Hello," Steve greeted as friendly as possible, adding a wide smile. "Who are you?"

It was a long moment before the girl spoke. She spoke with an unsurety and echoed slowly, "Hel-lo. Wh-o a-are y-ou."

From the way that she talked, from the way her eyes held a swirl of fear and ignorance, Steve knew at that moment that, from then on, she was his responsibility. He continued to smile and told her, "I am Steve. Steve is my name. What is your name?"

Again, the girl took a long moment before she replied, and when she did, it was with an unsurety. "M-y n-name?" She stared blankly at Steve.

Steve's memory went back to the very beginning, from when he first awoke. He had gone directly to a tree and punched it, breaking the wood. He had picked it up and stared at it. As he did, the word Steve was spoken in his mind as clearly as if someone had spoken it in his ear, and Steve is what he is called.

He then gently took the girl's hand in his own, gingerly, not wanting to startle her too much at the new touch. The new touch shocked him just as much as it did her; it felt as if a streak of electricity jostled between where their skin touched. He began to guide her toward a tree at a slow pace. Her walking was hesitant, but she still allowed him to escort her.

Once they got in front of a tree, Steve informed the girl to punch the tree until it broke. He had expected to have to show her how to do so, but great happiness washed over him as the girl did what he said. The wood block broke and fell to the grass below.

"Now, pick it up and stare at it," he told her next.

The girl obeyed, bending down to pick up the wood block and stared at it. Several ticks passed. As she stared at it, a single word eventually came to her.

"Alex." The girl said aloud. She looked away and turned to look at Steve, the previous fear and ignorance gone from her light green eyes. "Hello, Steve. My name is Alex."

And thus began a new era in the World of Minecraft with Steve and Alex of adventures.

...And misadventures.


Hello, everyone! I hope you enjoyed this first part of "The Minecraft Misadventures of Steve and Alex"! This is basically just going to be a bunch of silly short stories about the... misadventures of Steve and Alex... yeah... So it's not going to follow a full book storyline, just little short stories each part. I felt like doing the beginning like this to just give some origin to how Steve and Alex came to be. (And yes, I do kind of ship them :3)

I will also update whenever I feel like writing this. It will most likely never be fully completed, as there can be infinite short stories for this.

And as some of you may know, I enjoy drawing. Quite a while ago, I drew a little comic strip titled the title of this book. I am planning on making the comic strip and then writing it on here, but of course with more detail than in the actual comic.

I hope you all enjoy Steve and Alex's misadventures! :D

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