Chapter 2: the flower

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"Emma why are you doing this ?"
She walked over to me and looked me in the eyes.
"Because, I'm the dark one"
she stuck her hand inside my chest making me groan in pain and pulled my heart out from within it.
"Mom don't !" Henry yelled to Emma but it was too late. She began to squeeze my
heart until it turned into dust and I closed my eyes falling into a deep sleep.

I woke up gasping for air. I was hot and my hands were clammy

I felt a cold hand on my forehead and turned to see Emma

"Killian, what happened ? Are you alright ?" She rubbed my arm nervously

"I'm fine love, it was just a nightmare.." The expression on her face saddened

"It was of me wasn't it.." She sat up and the reflection of the moon made the single tear that fell from her eye sparkle.

"Don't cry love, come here.." I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close kissing her forehead. She fell asleep and eventually so did I

I woke up and placed a hand over the spot where Emma was. It was cold "She's probably up already." I thought to myself getting out of bed.

Walking downstairs I saw Emma making breakfast and grinned.

"Killian, I know you're there..." She grinned "What do you want ?"

I raised an eyebrow "you." walking over to her I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. She smiled

Sticking her finger in the pancake batter she put it on my nose.
"That's bad form swan." I told her before picking up a handful of flour.
"Killian..." She began to say but I cut her off by throwing it at her.
She couldn't help but giggle.

"You're lucky you're- what's the word I'm looking for .." She ran her hands through my hair.
"Devilishly handsome ?" I moved closer to her.
She nodded and grabbed my hands
Our lips were inches away from each others when Arthur and his wife came into the kitchen along with the rest of the gang.
"I see you found your way into the kitchen.." Arthur smiled.
Emma and I exchanged glances making her blush and me grin from ear to ear.

"Emma love, go get dressed. I want to show you around" I said kissing her lips softly
Smiling, she nodded and walked to our room.

I pulled Snow and Charming outside and looked around making sure no one was near.
"What is it Killian.." Snow rolled her eyes
"I want to ask you something.." I fiddled with my hook as I spoke
"I want to know your opinion with me asking Emma to marry me"
For a second they were quiet which made me more nervous

"Y-you're going to ask Emma to marry you ?" they said in unison.
They were about to say something when Emma walked outside

My eyes nearly popped out of my head she was gorgeous "Swan, you look-"
I was cut off
"I know" she grinned and took my hand. And we started to walk

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