Chapter 1

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I wrap my arms tightly around my bruised waist. My tears trail down to my crooked nose. His eyes filled with happiness was the only this I remember until my stupid heart fell for another. I threw away my last piece of hope, I forgot about everyone else, because I was in love. My heart fell hard for jack. My heart was still beating until jack started abusing my young fragile soul. Flashes of sunlight creeks through my window. I hear banging on my bedroom door, I stand up and with every step I take my bruises sting in rhythm. So many days getting the same bruises on the same spot, I can't feel them. I turn the knob open and see Jack rushing in the door. His hand is gripped on the bottle of whiskey. He smirks and grabs his belt from his bed. "Hey stupid slut"he says chugging down the whiskey. My hands grip firmly on the knob. "Being all quiet?"he says raising the belt. My heart start racing as I realize what I'm doing. My horrible self is trying to escape. I open the door and run outside. My hair flies with the wind outside. "Bitch come back"jack shouts, my body runs into the woods. I feel all the pricks of the sticks scraping my body making me bleed from my sides. I tumble down by my own feet. I look up and see him, I see the one who always put a smile to my face.

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