Are you serious? He said with a small grin. Sure I was, but right now we need to get to the mall. I said walking out of the school. We walk out and walk to his motorcycle. You want to take my motorcycle, I expected someone like you to want to take a limo or something. He said getting on it. Actually I like trying new things. I said getting on the back. Well this is going to a really new thing for you so you might want to hold on tight. He told me as he backed up. I wrapped my arms his waist and as my hand s went around his waist I could feel his six pack. He sure is a special boy, no wonder Pacifica wants him all to herself but so, do, I. I thought as we drove off to the mall.

Time Skip.........

When we get to the mall we got to the new and improved Clothing Boutique. Okay, Christan I'm going to go find some good bathing suits and your going to tell me how I look. I said winking at him and going to look for some bathing suits.

Pacifica P.o.V
I'm so fed up with Harley and her stupid competitions, and where the hell is Christan! I yelled. I don't know he disappeared after he left the school. Emily told me. Yeah, he's been disappearing everytime Harley comes is around, do you think she already got to him? Lilly asked me nervous. Oh, I know Christan and there is no way he's doing anything with Harley. Now, let's go,(dramatic pause)the mall.(dun dun, da!)

We get into the mall and take the elevator to the top floor. When we get to the top we surprisingly see Christan in the Clothing Boutique. Christan what are you doing here? Mabel asked him. Yeah, your not here with anyone are you? Lilly asked him. He looked nervous. Of course he's not here with anyone, he's probably trying to get a new girlfriend. I said. Oh, Christan you we can always be your girlfriends again. Both Emily and Lilly said holding hugging him. Noooooo. I said pulling them off him. Wait what are you four doing here? He asked. We're here to find some swim suits. Mabel told him with her hand on her hip. What! He screamed but quickly calmed down. I mean why would you do that? He said calmer. Well, just in case you've forgotten because of disappearances but we are having a swimsuitcontest tomorrow. I explained to him. Of course that's why your here.

Then I saw someone come out of the booth with a buch of swimsuits. It was Harley. When Christan noticed I saw here he stated to shake nervouslybut I didn't worry about it. I walked over to Harley and she looked like she was, happy. Oh, hey Pacifica what are you doing here? She asked with her hands on her hips holding the swimsuits. Is that the question of the day or something and what did you do to your hair? I asked her. Do you like it, Ive decided to go short hair like you did. She said flipping her now short hair. It took me months to grow my hair back to this length. And it'll take same amount of time, anyways shouldn't you be looking for a swimsuit? She reminded me. Of 
c-c-course I am. I said with fake confidence. Then Christan came over to us. Hey you two what ya talking about? He asked. Oh there you are, here are the pictures tell me what you think. She said handing Christan two photos. I looked at him seriously pissed off. When he noticed I knew what was going on he completely broke. I'm sorry she pulled me into a room and a lot more happened and I'm, I'm just so sorry. He said really fast but I understood.

It's fine as long as you aren't doing inappropriate things her. I said crossing my arms. And why do you care? Harley said reminding me that she can't know that we dated. It doesn't bother me. Oh yeah, Christan look at the pictures. Do I look better in the black or white? She said as he flipped the photos over. When he flipped the black bathing photo over he turned pale. What do you think? She asked him. Sexiest picture I'll ever see. He said still pale. Now try the white. He flipped it over and his face turned bright red then he fainted.

 We bend down to his head and flicked his forehead causing him to wake up instantly

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

We bend down to his head and flicked his forehead causing him to wake up instantly. So what did you thing about that one? She asked him. Absolutely, Phenomenal, and it's ironic that I use "Phenomenal" because Aj Styles debuted at the Royal Rumble last night. And bright white on Pearl white skin is completely perfect. He said making me angry. Thank you, Christan. Here's your present for helping me. She said grabbing his head and kissing him directly on the lips. When she released the kiss he was still puckered up like he wanted to keep going. Crap, she's getting to him.

Do you like the way I say thanks, because I couldn't thank you enough. She said standing back up. Well your welcome Harley and your going to love how I say your welcome. He pushed her hair out from in front of her face. His hand was on his cheek and her face was turning red. Then he did the unthinkable. He kissed her right on her lips. And it wasn't any old kiss, they were french kissing. And when I say they must have enjoyed thereselves I mean they didn't let go until they couldn't hold there breaths for any longer. That, was, amazing. She said out of breath. Yeah I tend to get carried away when itcomes to kissing. He said scratching his head. There is no getting carried away when your kissing me and maybe we could do it again sometime but for now I'll see you at the contest. She said blowing him a kiss. She is so not winning tomorrow. Christan! The twins screamed. What? He said like nothing happened. Why did you kiss her like that? I asked him. Like what, thats how I kiss. That's not how you kiss people you hardly know especially not Harley. What, are you talking about you haven't seen her in years and Ive spend the whole day with her and she's perfectly normal. He said making me even more angry. Whatever, just help us find some bathing suits. I told him. Fine. This may take a while.

Day of Swimsuit Contest......

Harley was already out there showing off her white bathing suit. Then I heard Christan whistle like when a guy sees a hot girl. Then the twins went out with their black and white swimsuits. I guess they thought sense Christan liked both the black and white swimsuit they combined them. Then Christan said "Go Emily" and "Go Lilly" until most of the crowd was chanting that. Then Mabel went out and she looked nervous but when Christan noticed that he got the crowd to chant Mabel. And it was louder than the twins chants. But then it was my turn I was so nervous I went out there with with a white
t-shirt on with my bathingsuit
underneath. The crowd started to boo at me and it really brought me down.

But then water fell down and land on me wetting the shirt. Now it was see threw and everyone loved it. They weren't laughing but the guys were louder than Harley's, Emily and Lilly, and Mabel. And in the end I won. When Christan came out from the crowd with Dipper I walked up to them. Christan, did you do that? I asked him. Actually, Dipper thoughtof it. He said. Yeah, we kinda knew you would chicken out. Dipper said making me angry. Chicken, OUT!!! I was about to blow there hears apart but someone stopped me. Now now now, you might keep that voice of yours under wraps. A familiar voice said. And it was Harley. We were all so surprised. We were all looking at her. What, your  not the only people that has powers. She said pulling down her shirt were a gem necklace mark appeared. We were all in shock. Not another one.
Great Chapter, Great Contest and Even Better Ending. New Gem is in the group and things just got even more interesting.

Sneak Peek-
Christan-Owww, Cat Fight!
Tyler-Get um Get um



And regret nothing
StarLord out PEACE

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