Halloween ideas

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I'm am a despicable person. I am to lazy to write or do my homework at times or clean my room. Well in the free time I should be doing those other things I'll write this. Oh yeah notice, my bat-mitzvah and my friends' bat/bar-mitzvahs are coming up (a lot) so that means i'll write even less than usual which is pretty hard by my standards!! Just know, I forgive you all.

Cinder posted a message on Iko's wall:

Cinder: please, don't change our names for Halloween this year


Iko: I trust you'll find your own fairy tale to dress up as?

Cinder: Iron man from the second era

Wolf: I call wolverine!

Thorne: No fair! I wanted to be wolverine

Cinder: you could be Poison Ivy from DC comics ;)

Thorne: Oooh. he sounds tough and manly. show me the costume

Cinder: Okay >:)

Thorne has logged off

Cinder has logged off

Iko: anyone else here the cackling of a witch and sense lightning in the air?

Wolf: I think that's Cinder making the costume

Iko: I'm going to make her some calming tea

Wolf: smart

Thorne has posted a message on Cinder's wall

Thorne: Thank you! I think this outfit really goes with my name. I'm going to put it on!


Thorne has changed his name to "Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady"

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady is now a girl.

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: what did I miss

Cinder: look at yourself in the mirror

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: oh hello super hot adorable lady, how are you. nice to see you again after our smooch fest some time ago


Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: she's not responding

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: Hey, that cutie isn't in the room.....

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: *gulp* I'm flirting with myself

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: CRESS! you got some completion! (I'm taking myself out! I'm so hot)

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: wait....

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: I'M A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: CAN'T GET IT OFF!!!!!!!CAN'T GET THIS COSTUME OFF!!!!!!!

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: Cress, you got some real bad competition (me)

Cress: not interested

Cinder: you've had the costume on for an hour. you've only started typing two minutes ago. How long were you flirting/kissing yourself with yourself?

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, HEY WHO CHANGED MY USERNAME?????

Cress: how long were you kissing the mirror

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: not that long


Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: I only came up for air breaks

Cress: HOW LONG????????????

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: forty minutes

Cress: and you didn't stop to consider me?

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: 0_0

Cress: we're done here

Cress has logged off

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: why cant I take this costume off?

Cinder: using specific tech was able to make a costume that will fall of after Halloween ends. Happy Halloween

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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