Annoying Hiccups (and other things)

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HI!!! I may not update for awhile, because of school and all. When summer comes I'll try to update! Also I had a very bad case of hiccups (they hurt my sides) so you can thank my bad case of the hiccups for this chapter!

Thorne has posted a message on his wall:

Thorne: I (hiccup) have (hiccup) gotten (hiccup) a (hiccup) bad (hiccup) case (hiccup) of (hiccup) the (hiccup) hiccups


Cinder: you don't need to do that when you type.

Thorne: Yes, (hiccup) I (hiccup) do. (hiccup) It (hiccup) proves (hiccup) my (hiccup) point

Cinder: Okay... who wants me to delete thorn's account?

Wolf: please?

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Iko has posted a message on Cinder's wall:

Iko: is my dream boy ready yet?


Cinder: no not yet, he's having a few glitches. Let's just say that he has the "Robo-Flu"

Iko: NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I need him to get over thorn!!!!

Thorne: I heard my name I came. Now who summoned the " Amazingly awesome, super-cool, bad-boy, ladies-man, THORN the GREAT"!?!?!??!

Cinder: hey, your hiccups stopped! (:

Thorn: No... (hiccup)... they (hiccup) didn't! (: (Saved it!!!)

Cinder: than what is that?

Thorne: what? (hiccup) oh (hiccup)you (hiccup)mean (hiccup)the (hiccup) "I (hiccup)heard (hiccup)my (hiccup)name(hiccup) I(hiccup) came.(hiccup) Now (hiccup)who (hiccup)summoned(hiccup) the (hiccup) (long deep breath/ sucking in a LOT of air) ' Amazingly awesome, super-cool, bad-boy, ladies-man, THORN the GREAT'!?!?!??!

Cinder: you are unbelievable

Thorne: I (hiccup) know(hiccup)right?

Cinder: so when will we have your facebook deleted and your computer taken away? 5-6-7-ish?

Thorne: MY PRECIOUS (cress this may seem odd, and flattering, but you come first)!!!!!! YOU CAN'T TAKE MY PRECIOUS!!!!


Iko: what's this burning sensation in my "rib-cage"? why does it feel like I'm dying?

Cinder: that's called jealousy

Thorne: iko, don't feel offended. i've always seen you as a little sister, or something

Iko: it's (sob) not the same


SO... I need a name and personality for iko's love. if you'd like to make yourself (must be a boy); make someone you know; or just make up a "boy" then please do. This will be a contest.

Winner: your character will be made into Iko's boyfriend and you'll get 2 dedications

Runner Up: 1 dedication

So sorry for the really short chappie! )':

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