Secrets and Lies part 17

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"Yes! She did this in less than 5 minutes..... She also asked for a gun? should I give her one?"

"................. No!" I thought about it.

"Right!" He agrees.

"Her hands are already dirty with those two death. I want to keep her safe and out of the Ice Dragons business. Sweetness need not worry. That's all, she should not be worried with this......" I explain.

"Sir she is adamant about a gun!" He stresses.

"No Gun, for Sweetness that's final!" I say annoyed.

"Yes sir!" He agrees.

"I am sending back up. We wipe them out now! Then we can get the rest. Later!" I say.

"Okay..." He says.

"How many are there now?" I asked.

"They were 13, 10 plus the boss. and Princess took care of 2......" He answered.

"She always is a lucky woman, getting Out of trouble." I smirked.

"Samejima I'm sending 15 Ice Dragons you wait for them. This is how I want it. To play out. Listen I want you to follow this to the letter. On the corner of Main and 12th street, there is a underground garage. I want you and Inui to Quickly walk to the garage. I need you to make it over there for an ambush. Now after they follow Inui and Sweetness. I need you to take care of business. They are after Sweetness correct?

"Yes and Inui." He said.

"Why INUI? I asked.

"He pistol whip the boss...." He explained.

"Even better the parking garage is less than a half block. I will send them there to the structure. And we will have a ambush." I say with a smirk.

"Is The Princess is the bait?" He asked.

"Yes!" I wanted to take it back right after I said it, then I realized that I'm using her as bait.

"What if some thing goes wrong? And some thing happens to her? I will never forgive myself. I will hate my self......." I say to softly.

"Okay sir......" He hesitated.

"This is an important part make sure nothing happens to her! I will have the car waiting, you will put her in the car. With that she will be safe. You got it?" I say trying to convince my self.

"Yes!" He says.

"I will text when you can leave the cafe...." I say.

"Got it!" He replies.

The call ends.

I am thinking on what I just did, am I sacrificing Sweetness? What would she think of this plan? Will she hate me more? All of this is swirling around in my brain.

"Ryo!" I say.

"Yes!" He answers.

"We need 15 Dragons, for back up and we need 2 cleaning crew. The Punks has been spotted where Sweetness and INUI are." I say quickly.

"Why are they waiting?" Ryo asked.

"Inui not knowingly pistol whipped him for touching Sweetness."

"Lucky for us we can take them out in one fair swoop......"

"On it Soryu...."

"Ryo I need you to go."

"Yes and my job?"

"Your part is to bring her out of this alive....."


you will stay in the car with the engine running. Samejima or INUI will bring her into the car.. and you will keep her safe. She shouldn't be in our business. Take 4 cars, you are in one your the white honda. and I text you the address and get there now.

"Yes Soryu!" Ryo replies.

The 16 Ice Dragons leave HQ text Sameji the plan and I will let him know when the plan is ready.

I text Inui "keep her safe.

Time Skip  some minutes later.

"My phone chirps...." Alerting me.

"Where in place 4 floor basement rear....,." Ryo texted.

"Good!" I text back.

"Ready and waiting. Out...." Ryo texted.

To Ryo "I will texted Samejima they will be there in ten........" I texted back.

"Samejima the plan is in place... You can leave now!" I texted.

"Right sir!" Samejima texted me back.

"You have ten minutes to arrive." I texted back.

"Ryo, Samejima and Inui and Sweetness are coming now!" I texted Ryo.

"Right!" Ryo answered text back.

Suddenly, I got a bad feeling. I look up and I saw Sweetness's beautiful face flashes across my mind. She was covered in blood and she was shot. I need to be there. I'm the only one who can protect her.

And then, I..... I-I
Then I have a strong realization. That I.... I just realize that I made a mistake. "I-I just killed her..... Shit!" I say to myself.

I call out for four subordinate to come with me.

"You, you and you two come with me... Grabs some guns and bullets. Follow me...... Now!" I say.

I ran out of The Ice Dragons Head Quarters. I jump in to the car and we race to the garage.

to be continued

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