school with fucking vampires

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sky's pov

I inhaled a big breathe and headed to my Wonder 

full school(note the sarcasm).

"TAXI" I yelled trying to catch up to the taxi that would take me to school and to my new home.

Thankfully it stopped,and I walked over to it gently opened the taxi door(seeing that it was starting to corrode) and sat down.

"Where to miss" the taxi driver asked.

He looked like he was in his late sixty's and reaching the end of his life,as for me the end was nearer for me than him.

"cross academy please" I said.

He made a odd face and said with a voice of accusal,"You one of those night class kids".

I frowned and said a little menacing,"No I'm not nor will i ever be"!

I jumped out and closed the taxi doors soon as I got to cross academy but not before I threw him the

money I owed him.I walked quickly up to the school specifically the moon doors and headed to my

dorm.I had some room with some prissy,and overly pampered Aristocrat vampire named Rima. I

sighed and pushed open the moon dorm door's.As soon as I pushed open the door and walked in I

could smell their stench and they could smell mine,The smell of a vampire.

"Hey who let that runt in" some aristocrat yelled at me from a plush red couch in the middle of the

clearing.I heard several of the vampires there snicker and laugh at his comment.I took in a deep

breathe and walked up the stairs leading to the dorms and walked to my dorm;dorm 211.As soon as

I got there,there was a girl sitting on a bed reading what appeared to be fashion magazine.

"Rima?" I asked the girl.She nodded as if to say yes.I sighed and started to unload my bags/luggage.

After  a while I turned my favorite band out loud to play Bring Me The Horizon not caring if any one

heard it.

"Nice tunes" Rima whispered so gently it spooked me.

I spun around and stared at her in shock that she didn't insult me or treat me as her slave or

anything like that.Maybe just maybe my life for the little time I have left won't be so insufferable.

When The Moon Rises:Vampire KnightWhere stories live. Discover now