Chapter 2

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I woke up to Mal and Evie calling my name out.

''Come on Liz, we got to get up and get to class, and think of another way to get the magic wand,'' Mal said helping me sit up.

''Okay, okay, I'm up and getting ready,'' I said walking my way to the bathroom, and did my business.

''Also when you come out I'm doing your make-up,'' Evie announced from the other side of the bathroom door.

''Got'cha, E,'' I replied back to her and started getting dressed.

When I stepped out of the bathroom I was greeted by my friends waiting patiently for my by the table with make-up and hair stuff, so they could do my hair. Evie did my make-up while Mal did my hair. She put it up in a bun with my bangs hanging out with a small tiara on my head. We got our stuff and headed to goodness class.

''If you found a child would you A.) Poison it, B.) Curse it, C.) Give it a bottle or D.) Carve out its heart?'' Fairy god mother asked us from her spot in front of the front of the class, Evie raised her hand

''What was the second one?'' she asked playing dumb, so I raised my hand.

''The answer is C, give it a bottle.'' I answered bored of this class

''Correct,'' the fairy godmother said pleased.

For the rest of the class we had to answer questions that involved with being good, ugh! We also meet Jane, Fairy godmother's daughter she can be a good helper in trying to steal the wand. So Mal took care of her, along with a new hairstyle, you can never separate Mal and hair styles. While Mal was with Jane I was at my locker that had some of my artwork on it, when I was done Ben walked up to me.

''You know I can sign you up for art class instead of putting it on the lockers,'' Ben suggested while smiling looking at my artwork.

''Yeah but we is the fun in that, always got to have fun once in a while.'' I commented while smiling, than walking away to my next class

For the rest of the day I have been in and out of classes and with my friends and brother. Later that night while we were in the kitchen, to make love cookies for Ben to make him fall in love with me, we had

almost had everything except a sad tear, which Lonnie, Mulan's daughter, helped we finished the cookies. We all made our way back to our dorms with the cookies ready for Ben, which I will give before the game tomorrow. We woke up and got ready for the big game, which would start in an hour. I meet up with Ben outside his locker which was just a few feet away from my locker.

''Hey Benny-boo,'' I said using Audrey's horrible nickname for him. ''I brought you some cookies before the game.''

''Oh, thanks, but I don't eat before a game, you know carbs,'' Ben explained while giving me a smile. ''Maybe after though.''

''Oh, no she understands, you know never trust a villain, oh well more for her,'' Leo said from behind me, while Mal gave me a cookie ready to eat only to be snatched from me by Ben.

''See I trust you,'' Ben said after taking a bite of the cookie. ''Have your eyes always been such a beautiful blue, Liz.''

''Okay buddy let's get you to the game before coach comes looking for us,'' Leo said taking Ben away to the field.

Finally our plan is in motion, other than the plan I've noticed Leo and Mal are getting closer together, they keep holding hands when no one is looking, and they whisper to each other and it makes them laugh. I talked to Leo about it with everyone else and found out they were together and I along with everyone else is happy for them. Also when we got to the game Leo, Jay, Carlos, and Ben were in there, we won, and Ben grabbed a microphone and went up onto a plat form.

''Give me an L!'' Ben exclaimed loudly.

''L!'' the crowd repeated.

''I!'' Ben exclaimed.

''I!'' the crowd repeated.

''Z!'' Ben exclaimed again.

''Z!'' the crowd repeated again.

''What does that spell? LIZ!'' announced Ben. ''Give me a beat!''

''Uno! Dos! Trece! Quarto!'' Doug announced then started to play his instrument.

''Did I mention? That I'm in love with you. And did I mention there's nothing I can do? And did I happen to say I dream of you every day so let me shout it out loud if that's okay,'' Ben sang while smiling at me.

''HEY!'' the crowd sang out.

''If that's okay,'' Ben sung.

''HEY!'' the crowd sung.

''I met a girl who rocked my world like it's never been rocked. And now I'm living just for her. And I won't ever, I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me, but now look at what you've done you got me down on my knees. 'Cause my love for you is

RIDICULOUS. I never knew,'' Ben sang throwing me his jersey.

''Who knew?'' the crowd sang out.

''That it could be like this. My love for you is

RIDICULOUS. My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S. R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S. It's RIDICULOUS. Just RIDICULOUS, and I would give my kingdom

For just one kiss, c'mon. Did I mention? That I'm in love with you, and did I mention there's nothing I can do. And did I happen to say

I dream of you every day? So let me shout it out loud. If that's okay. If that's okay. I gotta know which way to go. C'mon, give me a sign you gonna show me that you're only ever gonna be mine. Don't wanna go another minute bein' without you 'cause if your heart just isn't in it I don't know what I'd do. Because my love for you is RIDICULOUS

I never knew,'' Ben sung being thrown into the wave of people who carried him towards me.

''Who knew?'' the crowd sung to him.

''That it could be like this, my love for you is RIDICULOUS. My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S. R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S. It's RIDICULOUS. Just RIDICULOUS. And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss

C'mon now! Hey! Oh yeah! Hey! Yow! Alright! Hey!

Alright! Hey! Because my love for you is RIDICULOUS

I never knew. That it could be like this my love for you is RIDICULOUS. My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S. R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S. It's RIDICULOUS

Just RIDICULOUS. And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss.

C'MON NOW!'' he sung all the way to me.

After the game Ben asked me on a date also during the game he asked me to his coronation. Audrey wasn't too happy, but she is going with Chad Charming, Cinderella's son.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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