Chapter 15- Screw My Hardened Heart!

Start from the beginning

You know I'm right! You were a complete bitch to Chase earlier. And why? Because your ex-best friends broke your trust. It's pathetic! You aren't a better or stronger person because you defended your heart Amelia!

 Lost in my thoughts I walk out of the classroom door only to scream in fright when a pair of hands land on my shoulders, "BOO" someone spoke into my ears. Spinning on my heels I turn to see the culprits and surprise, surprise I find Jake and Daniel bent over from laughing. They weren't the only ones either; a couple of people in the hallways has seen the incident and were laughing or shooting me sympathetic smiles. Huffing I storm up to the two troublemakers and beat them with my hundred or so pages algebra textbook, knocking them unconscious.....

Yeah okay I'm not that bitchy. So instead I give them both a smack on the head before grabbing Daniel's ear and twisting like a mother would do to a child.

"OW! OW! MIA LET GO!" Daniel whimpered but I just smirked and brought my face down to his (he was still bent over from laughing).

"Why did you just scare the hell out of me Daniel James Scott?!" I whisper yell.

"HE told me to! Now can you please let go of my ear" Daniel points his finger at Jake and I let go, he stands up straight rubbing his now red ear, oopsies!

"If Jake told you to jump off a cliff would you?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"No...Mother" Daniel adds the last word in, smirking. Not in the mood to be messed with I smack his shoulder lightly, glaring into his blue eyes that twinkle with mischief.

"And you!" I turn to the infamous Jake Carter, jabbing my finger into his chest with every word "Why do you find it so amusing to annoy me?!"

"It's because your reactions are so funny!" he replies, a grin on his face. I stare at him for a couple of seconds, dazzled by the bright grin on his face. I mean, I'm not oblivious (most of the time) I knew he was good-looking but-WOW!

Shaking myself out of the trance, I look away from Jake and turn to Daniel who was giving me strange look. Shrugging I stomp off towards the library thinking about all the homework I have to do.

Plopping down in my seat I dig around in my bag and take out some homework left over from the weekend as well as algebra homework. Ten minutes later and I had finished my other homework and was starting on Algebra. Seeing as I had an hour left I let myself daydream, thinking back to how I completely sucked at distancing myself from people; I only managed the weekend distancing myself from my family because I locked myself in my room. I sigh loudly what's the point really? I'm only hurting myself by seeing them hurt by my actions. I guess the snide voice in my head was right, distancing myself doesn't make me stronger, it only makes me weaker. It's obvious I won't be able to handle it anyway so what's the point?

"Earth to Mia!" Daniel waves his hand in front of my face and I scowl, still not over them scaring me like that.

"Ooh someone's grumpy, who knew scaring her would finally get her reaction" Jake snickers.

"What do you mean 'get my reaction'?" I asked through narrowed eyes.

"What? You think we didn't notice the cold shoulder you were giving us in Algebra? We're not stupid Amelia" Jake scoffed.

"Uh...about that..." I shift my gaze nervously, avoiding the gaze of Daniel and Jake. Instead I focus on the library doors, while trying to come up with an excuse. I was about to turn my head when I notice Chase and Hailey walking through the doors, I was vaguely aware that Jake was talking to me but I couldn't seem to tune him in.

My eyes locked with Chase's, for a second we just stood there staring. The hurt and anger in his eyes shown as clear as day. I'm sure the regret I felt was also displayed in my eyes, but Chase simply turned his head and stormed off. Hailey gave me an apologetic smile before following him.

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