Chapter 1 Kurt and Carole

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Quinn Fabray was walking down the hall, holding her books and heading to Finn's locker to meet him in between classes.  As she passed by the choir room, the sound of her boyfriend's voice carried out into the hallway; it sounded like Kurt had pissed him off about something and she had a feeling it was about Rachel.

"Stay out of this, Kurt!"

Quinn glanced into the room and the sight of the stepbrothers looking like they could strangle each other shocked her.  They had been getting along since their parents wedding last November; even she knew that despite the fact that Carole Hummel had told Finn not to bring her over to their house.

Finn's mother had made it clear that she would never accept the fact that he was dating Quinn again.  That she was not to be in her house at all or he would be grounded.  So most of the time, they hung out at her house, making out until her mother got home.  The entire thing was getting old really fast, especially the fact that they were constantly fighting over Rachel, but she wouldn't give Finn up and once again lose him to Rachel Berry.  Finn had chosen to come back to her so he must not have loved Rachel as much as her annoying rival had thought he had.  She was pulled back to reality by the sound of Kurt's response to his brother's comment.

"No!  You still love Rachel and everybody can see it but you.  Even Quinn, why the hell do you think she clings onto you like a leech?  Constantly touching, kissing and hugging you, most of time in front of Rachel.  You sat there in this classroom and told Rachel she was beautiful," Kurt shot back, his hands on his hips.  "I wonder if Quinn knows that you cheated on her too the first time around.  That you kissed Rachel twice while you were still dating her."

Quinn gasped in shock as she took in the anger that came across Finn's face as he started to respond to his brother's statement.

"I kissed Rachel; it isn't like I fucked..."

Quinn watched as a smirk came across Kurt's face when Finn stopped speaking mid-sentence, his face turning pale.  She watched as he sat down in a chair, his head in his hands.  She knew that he was thinking about the past and had a sinking feeling that Finn was starting to come to his senses.

"Are you finally getting a clue?  You are punishing Rachel for something you did to Quinn the first time around yet you will forgive Quinn for actually having sex with Puck, having his baby and lying for five months that you were the father.  If Rachel hadn't of told you the truth, do you really think Quinn would have told you the truth?  Would you still think that Beth was your child and not Puck's?"

"No, she wouldn't have told me the truth," Finn finally admitted to himself.  "She would have let me think I was the father of her baby and tied me to her forever if she could have gotten away with it."

Quinn felt something inside her break because she knew that Finn had come to his senses.  That his stepbrother had gotten through to him in a way that no one else had been able to.  But before she could walk away, Quinn saw Kurt smirk at her as if the next words out of his mouth would cause her more pain. 

"Your mom and I were curious about something, Finn."


"I want an honest answer to this question and I will know if you are lying."

The question is would he do the same thing for her that he had done for Rachel?  She had her doubts because of everything that had happened since Regionals.  Finn's continued fascination with everything Rachel did and his anger at her for encouraging the other girl to get a nose job, told Quinn one thing.  That kissing Finn after that football game in an effort to use his popularity to be Prom Queen was going to come back and bite her in the ass.  That the pain she had caused to Sam and others since her transformation from Lucy to Quinn was starting to haunt her.

A Dose of Realityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें