The Road to Central

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The four of them had eventually all made there way back to the village, each person landing in a different place on the plains, and each one assuming the other three would make it back eventually. They were all sitting in the girl's room, as they all assumed it would be far more clean then the boy's. Michael's pack had been emptied out onto the central dining table, with the mysterious scroll being placed in the center.
"Alight," Eden said. "We're all here, I think it's time to find out whats on this thing."
The others nodded in silent agreement. Eden reached out and grabbed the two ends of the scroll and pulled.
On the scroll was a map of the world. All of the sprawling landscape, the mountain ranges, the oceans all seemed so vividly painted, they almost looked like they were coming off the paper. All of the towns in the world were painted on this map, even the most remote of villages. Along with the towns, however, there were seemingly random buildings painted all over the map. These buildings had numbers somewhere around them and a few of them had red X's through them.
"By the almighty," Eden gasped. "Do you guys know what this is?"
"I can make a pretty safe bet," Michael said.
"It's a map of all the Dungeons in the world," Riley said.
"It even shows which ones have already been captured," Daemeon said.
Down in the lower right hand corner, there was a small key. In this key were the different symbols used for railroads, rivers, commonly used roads, the red X's to indicate which Dungeons had been captured, and just below that was a black dot that, next to it, said "you are here".
"What do you suppose that means?" Michael asked, pointing at the black dot in the key.
"Hang on a sec," Eden said. She placed her finger on the map and began to trace a path. Eventually, she stopped her finger over a town. When she lifted it, there was a little black dot on it.
"So," she said, "this map also tells you your current location."
"Well, I'd say our haul from our first Dungeon was pretty good," Michael said proudly.
"Okay so, the next thing we should do," Riley said, "is plan our next move. And I think we're all thinking the same thing."
"We should make our way to the Central Capital," Eden said. "It clearly has a lot of the answers we're searching for."
They all nodded in agreement. Their plan was set. From Eden's guess, it would take them about two days to walk to the East Capital and from there they would catch a train to Central.
"Hey, Eden, do you think you could repair my glove? It kind of got torn during that last fight," Michael asked.
"Yeah, I can do that," Eden said taking the glove with a large rip in it. She looked at Michael's hand, the huge gash in the center of the palm where he had grabbed The Crow's sword. "Just take care of that hand, alright?"
"Yeah yeah."
They all bid each other goodnight and the boys went to their room.

Across the burning sea, a man rides a massive motorcycle in the heat of the mid morning sun. The motorcycle is painted almost all black with several red stripes down the side. It's a chopper style with one wheel extended out in front of the motorcycle. The man himself is right around his mid twenties, average height, wearing a blue mantel with gold trim, but he had the sleeves rolled up and is was unbuttoned revealing a white undershirt, with a pair of matching blue pants with gold stripes down the sides of those. A silver eagle was pinned on the right shoulder. He had dark red hair that blew back in the wind and he was wearing goggles over his eyes to make sure sand didn't get in them. The sand was billowing behind him as he flew across the desert. Off in the distance, he saw it, the small town he was told about, the one in the middle of the desert.
Why the Hell anyone would build a town in the middle of the damn desert, I have no idea the man thought to himself. But, whatever, I've got orders. He spend on, gradually slowing as he approached the town.
He rode his motorcycle slowly through the streets, people dodging out of his way, almost all of them giving him strange looks. He simply returned their looks with a friendly smile. He rode until he came to a small stand in the town center, where a fountain was flowing a red liquid, which he assumed was wine from the smell. He threw out his kickstand, leaving the engine running. He walked up to the older man behind the standing behind the counter, who was also giving him a strange look. He pulled the goggles off from his eyes and placed them on his head. He had light hazel eyes. He approached the stand.
"Can I help you?" The old man asked.
"I really hope so sir," the young man said. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a wallet and flipped it open. Inside was picture of him with a silver eagle next to it with the symbol of the central capital, a strange star shape with intricate designs throughout it. "7th Capt. Matthew Gresh, here on behalf of the Lord General Bradley Greer. I'm looking for a Mr. Fournier, he lives around here, right?"
"Why yes sir he does," the man said, his mood suddenly changing to one more positive. "Just over there, building with the round top."
"Thank you kindly sir."

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