Special Chapter: The Past 3

Start from the beginning

"Thanks so much, for all of your help" Senna said.

"No problem. Pass by Suna once in a while too" Temari said, winking.

"Senna. Sora. Take care" Gaara said.

"Thats right. Hey brat, Take care of her, you're the man this time" Kankuro said.

"Hai!" Sora answered.

Senna chuckled.

"So, I'll be going then. Jaa ne. I'll come by maybe a few months in between" Senna said as she wave.

Gaara just nod.

Sora bowed and followed his sister.

They continue on their journey, along the way, she told Sora everything about Konoha. All of her experience being there.

Training also continues and Senna kept on finding infos on Sasuke's whereabouts.

As usual, Senna is a well known shinobi where she get hunt down by other bounty hunters.

Every single encounter, she always gets hurt. Scratches here and there.

Bruises too.

One day, her wound was too big to just leave it, and so, she heal it using healing ninjutsu.

Sora was fascinated.

"Nee-san... I want to learn that" Sora said.

"Eh? Healing Jutsu?" She ask.

Sora nod.

"Why out of a sudden?" Senna ask.

"Because I want to be able to heal you when you get hurt" Sora answered.

Shock by his answer, Senna smile at him.

"Okay, but its gonna be hard" Senna said.

Sora nod, determined.

And so, Sora start a new training menu.

A year has passed...

As they walk towards their next destination, they were then ambushed again by another bunch of rogue who was chasing after her bounty.

The fight was easy, since Sora has grown used to sudden ambush and attacks, he's now able to fight alongside his sister.

"That's the fifth one this week, Nee-san, maybe you should change your appearance so that no one would recognise you" Sora said.

"No high-ranked ninja would fall for that. They could always track down the chakra similarities" Senna said.

They continue on their journey to the Land of Rice, Where Senna had a spy on Orochimaru there.

"Yeah, but weak rogues like them wouldn't know. Bandits and thieves as well. And its not like everyday we come across an S-ranked rogues. Even if we did, its just either just business, or just plain coincidence..." Sora said.

"Hmm, well, I suppose you're right. But you're getting a name for yourself too, Aoi Tori" Senna tease him.

"T-Thats not me..." Sora stuttered.

"It is you, I heard, The blue bird who saved a village. Aoi Tori, a light in people's heart. They love you it seems" Senna continue to tease him.

"Whatever, I was just chasing after they guy who stole our money. And he just seem to be the person who always steal in that very village too..." Sora said.

Senna chuckled.

"Hai, Hai. Maybe after meeting with the one I'm suppose to, I'll change my appearance..." Senna said.

Sora nod.

They continue on.

After the meeting with the spy, The siblings stayed there for awhile.

They walk around finding for a place to stay for the meanwhile.

As they walk around, Senna stopped at a what seems to be a saloon.

"Nee-san?" Sora stopped to look at her.

"Hm, Maybe I could change my hair colour" Senna said.

"Eh? Your hair? What colour?" Sora ask.

"Hm, no idea... lets go in" Senna said and proceed to go in.

"Ah! Nee-san! Wait!" Sora chase after her.

After a while, both siblings came out, only Senna in a new appearance.

"Well, I wont say its not pretty. Its really nice on you. But I kinda miss your Black hair now..." Sora said.

"Mah, You gave the idea. Well, Since I changed my hair, Maybe I should change my clothes too. Its getting tight at the chest area..." Senna said.

Sora facepalm... His face all red.

"You dont have to tell me that, Nee-san..."

"Aww, Is my dear Sora embaressed?" Senna tease him yet another time.

Sora sigh, face still red.

They went to a weapon equipment store first, since they saw it first. In there, there's a bunch of shinobi outfit and Senna land her eyes on one particular clothing...

"Hey Boss, how much is this?" Senna ask as she look at the dark red combat kimono.

"Ah, thats a rare combat kimono that I found, Its a kimono, but its really light, easy for combat. it'll be very expensive..." The boss said.

"hmm.... I'll take it, oh, and do you want this overcoat? I've been using it for a long time, and its really getting smaller" Senna pointed towards her own coat she's been wearing.

"Deal, its nice dealing with you!" The boss said.


They then went to a small hotel and stayed there.

"You know nee-san, when wearing that you really do look like a princess..." Sora said, scratching his cheek, a bit flustered.

"Really? Thanks Sora. Thats nice of you to say. Well, we stock up on our weapons, food and water. Is there anything else we're missing?" Senna ask.

"Nope. We're good" Sora said.

"Okay, come on. Lets rest. We're going to Kirigakure next" Senna said.

"Kiri? why there?" Sora ask.

"Just a hunch, I could find some info there" Senna said.

"I see... Nee-san... Why do you keep on chasing after the Uchihas? You know Uchiha Sasuke hurt you..." Sora said.

Senna smiled sadly at him.

"Sora, we've gone through this a million time. Those two are precious to me. Even... Even if one of them did hurt me... And also, I'm doing this for the sake of my village..." Senna said.

She walk towards Sora and hugged him.

"But thank you... for worrying about me..." Senna said.

Sora sigh and just return her hug. They stayed like that for a while.

Another year and a half passed, the siblings are on the way towards Konoha when they heard their precious friend, the Kazekage were kidnapped.

They proceed to chase after them. And thats when they meet peoples from Konoha.


Thats the end...

On with the original story!!!

Back to present!

Sasaki Senna OUT!!! ^^

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