"God no Mr. Bieber says I'm one of his most trustworthy employees and assured me that I would be rewarded greatly for looking after you." I sigh because of course he did. And of course I was still right about her being a baby sitter. That man could be so insufferable .


By the time we leave the boutique, there's several bags in hand, I'm winded and not to mention starving. I could really use a place to sit where there was food. "Are there any places to eat around here? I could eat a horse right now." I let out a lowly chuckle.

At first Lena's eyebrows knit together in confusion–I assume it's because of my metaphor–but then her face softens and she says something in french to the driver and then we're driving

The restaurant she'd chosen is small and it makes me feel bigger than I really am. We're lead to sit at a table smack dab in the middle which is great because I didn't think I could fit in a booth, but we didn't have to be here for long the baby and I just needed something at least for right now. I'm sure she would be kicking for more later.

As we wait for the waiter there's no tension, but we're both awfully quiet I don't know what to talk about? Maybe I could ask her questions about Justin? I'm sure she's known him longer than me which meant she would know more about him, but then I'd feel like I was invading some sort of privacy. Then again he's had no problem whatsoever invading mine.

"So what else has Justin told you about me?"

"Oh not much. Mr. Bieber just says you two are married. Though he did forget one thing." She chuckles and I see her eye my belly. Oh! I smile.

"He didn't tell you I was pregnant?" She shakes her head, "No, but it may have just slipped his mind. When Mr. Bieber comes to Paris he has more work than usual because he's not here as often as he is at his U.S. based office."

"And how long have you known Justin— Mr. Bieber I mean?"

"Three years. He is really amazing." She pauses and starts to look really in thought and maybe seconds or minutes later she opens her mouth to speak. "But I hope that you don't think there's more to our— our ugh relationship."

I blink rapidly three, no maybe four or was it five times? I don't know I guess I really hadn't thought about it that way. If they'd had some sort of past together. If I was the first person he'd hired and had a relationship outside of work with. I couldn't ever imagine Justin with anyone not even Barbara. It'd hurt too much, but the sad reality was there have been others before me.

I quickly shut my mouth.

I didn't want her to think this was some wife. No. Girlfriend. No. I don't know what I was, but I didn't want her to think that I had brought her here for some jealous inquisition.

For the rest of lunch we talk here and there, but after I had decided to stray away from questions regarding Justin I didn't have much to say and I didn't want to pry in her life and well there wasn't much going on in my own. I was jobless, pregnant and following the man I loved to Paris on a business trip. Nothing more nothing less.

God, I really needed to sort out my priorities.


"Let me help with those baby." Justin greets me when I get off the elevator into the penthouse suite. I honestly didn't expect to be greeted at all; I thought he would still be gone.

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