chapter 26

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"I miss you."

"I miss you too baby." He coos back through the receiver. He sounds exasperated by my constant need to hear his voice.

"Look I have to go again, but I've sent someone over so that you won't be stuck inside all day again."

Oh his baby sitter. Yeah, I know he said they were a tour guide, but I knew better. I'd avoided whoever it was he wanted to look after me the first few days, but I guess game was over. "Ok." I say my voice is soft. I don't want to get off the phone with him but at this point it's inevitable.

"I love you Naomi."

"I love you too."

And then the line goes dead—that's when I heave a heavy sigh. This could be one of the reasons he treated me like such a child because I acted like one. But when I was around him; when I talked to him I couldn't help it. I'd never felt this way. The feeling was indescribable.

Not even ten minutes later I hear the elevator doors sliding open and when I look up there's a woman stepping off. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know who she was. "Mrs. Bieber." Her accent thick and I'm taken back by how she'd just addressed me. Justin and I weren't married. He didn't want to marry me; he'd regretted it.

"Mrs. Bieber?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Oh yes Mr. Bieber told me you were his eh, his wife? And I am to address you as that." His wife? Maybe this was just his way of being even more overprotective than he already was. Letting everyone know I was his. I don't argue against it; I simply nod and change the subject. "Uh yeah, so where are we off to?" I really just wanted to get this over. I was pregnant and my feet were swollen half the time. He just really didn't know what it was like.

"Mr. Bieber gave me his credit card. I'm to take you wherever it is that you want to go."

I roll my eyes because when it came to Justin it had become like second nature. He'd already done so much and I was still very overwhelmed with it all. I don't think I would ever get used to this treatment, but I was going to take him up on his offer. I was going to go shopping for the baby. We still had so much shopping to do.

"Baby clothes? Are there any places for them?"

"Plenty. If you're ready to go I can show you all of them. We have a driver outside ready to take us wherever." She smiles widely every tooth in her mouth on full display.

We were in the first store or boutique I should say and just as I was about to ask her what she thought of an outfit I'd found I'd realized I hadn't gotten her name. My mind was all over the place and I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she called me Mrs. Bieber and Justin had told her to it felt odd, but odd in a good way.

"I'm so sorry. It was rude of me not to ask but I never got your name?"

"It's fine. I should've introduced myself. My name is Lena, I work for your husbands Paris magazine." Husband. I wish that were real. My heart practically flutters at the thought.

"And you don't mind being away from work to be here with me as I look for baby clothes?" It just seemed odd to me that he'd send someone from his own magazine rather than hiring someone or just letting me roam the city myself. There's a thought. I stifle a laugh.

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