46 - CHANBAEK: Answer Me 2005

Start from the beginning

No answer.

Baekhyun takes a deep breath, stifling the sob threatening to escape from his mouth. Instead, he turns his back and busies himself fixing Junhee's already made bed. Chanyeol pretends he doesn't get to see the way Baekhyun's hands shake, as well as his constant biting of his lip whenever he's anxious.

"I-I should probably get going..." Chanyeol says in almost a whisper, dragging his sweaty palms against the coarse material of his denim. "I guess I'll see you on Monday."

Baekhyun nods silently.

"Junhee! Uncle Chanyeol is leaving!" he hollers, making the little girl turn her head and smile brightly at the tall man. "At least say goodbye before you sleep."

"Bye, Uncle Chanyeol!" Junhee says, showing her missing tooth as she beams. Waving, she adds, crescent eyes crinkling adorably very much alike just like her father. "Thank you for the doll and for visiting Daddy!"

Chanyeol chuckles heartily. "You're welcome, princess. Come here." He crouches on the floor and stretches his arms in the air, welcoming the child in his embrace. Baekhyun looks away, flustered about the fact that the scene before him screams of a happy family, homely, warm and full of love-- which he once dreamt of but left shattered.

He's frightened.

"Will you come back again tomorrow, Uncle Chanyeol?" Junhee asks in a sweet voice as he wraps her little arms around her uncle's neck. Looking up to see Baekhyun's face, Chanyeol throws him an expectant look which has Baekhyun tensing a bit.

"It's Saturday tomorrow, and we're going to have a picnic with Grandma and Grandpa Byun!"

"Your Uncle is busy. He is not coming with us," Baekhyun answers for Chanyeol as he lightly grabs his daughter's arm with him. Junhee frowns, burying her nose into the teddy bear which was also given by the man before them.

"Your Daddy is right. I'm sorry if I can't come with you," Chanyeol says in apology, bringing a gentle hand to ruffle the little girl's fringe. "Maybe next Saturday, or the next.." He turns to Baekhyun, smiling a little, too warm and fluttering for Baekhyun's liking. Chanyeol stands up, "I'll call you later when I get back home."

Baekhyun looks away. "Okay.."

Squeezing the stuffed animal in her arms, the little girl smiles knowingly at her Daddy causing Baekhyun to furrow his eyebrows, blushing a little. Junhee thinks her Daddy is cute when he reddens like that.

"Bye Junhee," Chanyeol says, lowering his head to the smiling girl. He raises his eyes to have a glimpse of the man he loves, and breaks into one of his signature smiles, which little did he know makes Baekhyun fall for him a little bit more than yesterday. "You too. Please take care of yourself."

"I will."

Chanyeol turns his back away and leaves, and it's odd Baekhyun feels a part of him is gone, which seems Chanyeol has taken with him when he left the door with a silent click.

"Go to your room, Junhee. I have to close the gates first," Baekhyun says, fixing the buttons of her daughter's sky blue pajamas. "Drink your milk before it gets cold."


Baekhyun watches his daughter running to her room before heading to the door, when he suddenly notices a black scarf lying on the backrest of the dining chair.

It's Chanyeol's.

He forgot his scarf. Baekhyun straights up, picking up the article as he hurries outside the house. He even forgot to wear his own winter clothes as he lets the freezing wind hits his skin together with the flaking snow falling from the skies down to his hair. Baekhyun couldn't care less, though. It's extremely cold, and Chanyeol can't be sick, venturing home like this at night without even a scarf. He knows Chanyeol is bleak when it comes to the winter season.

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