The Campfire + A Joke

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Party Poison's pov
I poked at the fire with a small fire stick. As the ashes flew to the sky, I watched them, wondering what would of happened if I didn't run away from the place I called home. I sighed and looked down at Jet Star who was trying to get my attention.

Jet Star's pov

"The moon is bright tonight.." I said to myself as I lay on the ground staring at the stars. While looking up all the stars began getting covered up by ashes. "Oh come on!" I sat up and looked at everyone till I saw party sitting there poking at the fire."!!" I waited until he look at me.

Party poison's pov

"What now jet star! What is so fucking important!" He began explaining to me that me poking the fire was sending ashes into the air and blocking his view of the stars. "Oh, my, fucking, God" I sighed and stood handing him the stick. "Fine! Whatever!" I walked and leaned on our truck, I sank down and sat in front of one of the tires. "Blocking the stars." I mocked every word he said. "Tch, since when did stars mean anything to him" I sat there for a bit then stood, asking over to Jet star. "H-hey, Jet, I'm sorry." He rolled his eyes and we all looked over to fun ghoul who was just about to tell a joke.

Jet Star's pov

I watched party got up and storm off towards the truck. "Wow you are such a baby." I rolled my eyes and laid back down, the air filled with smoke once again. "Oh my fucking God SERIOUSLY?!" I sat up and looked at fun ghoul who was poking at the fire with another stick and laughing. "FUN" I threw the original stick at him and he fell over laughing. He sat up after hesitated and proclaimed he had a funny joke. "Oh god not again." As he was about to tell the joke he paused, I could feel someone was behind me so I turned around. "H-hey, Jet, I'm sorry." I rolled my eyes and turned away looking back at Fun ghoul. Now he was able to begin telling his joke.

Fun Ghoul's pov

"G-guys..." I stared at jet and party listening to them fight and yell. "Guys wanna hear a joke?" Before I could begin Party stormed off, I watched as he faded into the darkness towards our truck. "Ooook, never mind..." I began becoming bored, so I tapped my feet. "Do, do do do.." I sighed and looked around and found a stick. "....." I looked at jet who laid back down. "Hehehe" I leaned over and grabbed the stick, then turned and non stop poked at the fire. "Heheh-" "oh my fucking God SERIOUSLY" I began laughing causing me to continue poking at the fire. "FUN" I looked at Jet about to ask what was wrong but before I could say anything a large stick got thrown at my face. "GAHK!!" I fell over and began laughing. I panted and sat up trying to stop the laughter from coming out. "A-alright, how about I tell a joke, "oh god not again." th-" I hesitated, confused about what was coming up from behind Jet. "H-hey-" I sighed with relief after knowing it was only Party, who came back to say sorry. "Alright, now I can start." 

(More will be added soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2015 ⏰

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