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Party poison's and the young girl's backstory:

I ran, I ran as far away as I could from that stupid place, I didn't like anyone there anyways. I would be abused by anyone who saw me, so I ran. "C-come on!" I carried my little sister on my back and continued running as fast as I could."W-were almost there!" I ran and crossed over a bridge, but there was people blocking the way out. "Sh-shit!" I looked to go back but people had blocked the way to. "I-I" I walked to the edge of the bridge and stood on it. I placed my little sister in my arms. My little sister looked at me with worry. "Don't worry..I'm saving our lives." I jumped from the bridge landing safely in the water with my sister. "Y-you ok?" My sister nodded, cold and wet. I swam with her back on my back and crawled onto land, looking back at the bridge, he was there, staring at me with rage. "THE AFTER MATH IS SECONDARY..." I yelled, and turned walking away from the place I used to call home. It's time to start a new life.


Kobra Kids backstory:

I panted, running towards my house and barging  through the front door. "Kobra are you alright?" I looked over at my mom, my eyes filled with tears. I walked over and went down on one knee putting my hands on hers. "Mom, I have to leave." She looked at me confused and worried. "What did you do?" I smiled and laughed slightly, standing back up. "I don't know I DONT KNOW!" I rubbed my head with both my hands. "Look, mom, I have to leave, I have to go into hiding, start a new life." I could see she began to tear up. "Son, be safe." I looked at her confused. "Mom?" She stood and handed me a gun. "Use it wisely, ok? And don't go dying on me." She laughed slightly, causing me to laugh to. "Thanks.." I hugged her and ran upstairs grabbing my stuff. I heard a crash and a scream from below me. "M-MOM!!" I ran down with gun in hand and my bag on my back. "NO YOU BASTARD!!" I shot the gun at the guy standing next to my mom. "MOM NO PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!!" I ran over falling to my knees and hesitating to touch her lifeless body. "N-no.." I began crying, I stood and stopped crying. I took a deep breath. "The future is bullet proof.." I held back my tears and began to run out of my house, starting a new adventure that awaited me just outside my doors.


Fun ghoul's and Jet Star's backstory:

Italics: Jet Star
Normal text: Fun Ghoul
I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. "It's time to do it now and do it loud." I stood up, "Alright, killjoys..make some noise.." I smiled and opened my eyes standing from under a tree. "Hey! Jet Star!" I walked over to Jet star. "*sigh* what now ghoul." I turned looking at ghoul. "We should go and explore, come on!" I groaned. We haven't even been here for two days dude. "Woah, did you just say something that I would usually say?" I stared at jet for a second. "Come with me or I will keep stealing stuff you say" "wh- you little!" "Aaaaaah!!" I ran from jet as he began chasing me. "You stupid brat!" I ran bumping into someone. "Ouch hey wh- p-party!" Stands straight. I stopped and stood next to ghoul staring at party. "Wh-why are you here?"


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