1: Do You Believe In Hate At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again?

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Three days earlier.

I woke up to my alarm going off at 8:15AM. I had an hour to get to my appointment with the therapist. Ugh. Because I seriously want to spend my fucking Saturday morning at the therapist's. And on Saturdays the have group therapy, along with Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Yep, I definitely want to spend my Saturday morning at fucking therapist's, talking about my problems in front of fucking strangers. Strangers are... Well, strange.

I somehow managed to crawl out of my warm bed and find my skinny jeans. I slid them on sloppily at first before actually buttoning and zipping them up. I found a clean Misfits T-shirt and threw that on and had put on my converse next.

Why did I have to wake up today? Why did I have to be alive? Why did I have to be who I am?

Now fully dressed, I made my way out of my room and downstairs. I sat at the table where my parents sat drinking coffee. My father was reading a newspaper and neither one of them would look at me.

They haven't looked at me the same since the accident. They haven't even been the same.

But neither have I.

Now that I think about it, that's why I have no friends, probably: because of who I am. Because of the accident. Everyone fucking hates me because of who I am, and that's why I get beat up and shit.

I made a quick, small bowl of cereal to eat before Mom and I walked out the door. I quickly hopped in the passengers seat. I popped in my ear buds and no words were exchanged the entire ride.

Once we were outside the therapist's, I got out and closed the door, starting off for the front doors of the building. "I'll pick you up at 10:30, Frank." My mother told me, giving me this intense gaze. I rolled my eyes and she sped off. I walked into the building.

As I was making my way down the hallway, I saw someone arguing with a young guy with firetruck red hair. Bright fucking red. Jesus. I tried to slip past them, but the guy turned quickly, and down to the floor I fell.

"Watch where you're going, motherfucker!" The guy snapped, looking down at me. I scowled and shot him this dirty look. "What?!" He snapped again, spitting at me. By this time, an older man grabbed ahold of the younger one's arm. I stood up as the young guy started to freak out.

"Let go of me!" He yelled, trying to get the older guy off of him. He started pulling, but the older one refused to let go. "Get the fuck off of me!" He yelled once more, which resulted in someone else sticking a needle into his upper arm and him going limp almost immediately. Ah, a sedative. Another gentleman carried him outside.

"Sorry about him." A lady said from behind me, causing me to almost jump out of my fucking skin. I turned around and guess who? My fucking therapist, Dr. Warner. "He gets like that sometimes without his medication. Throwing a fit, I mean. I don't know why though, but he seems to hate everyone." Well, I fucking hate him, too, then.

"Shall we go to the group therapy session, then?" Warner asked, smiling a smile so sweet, yet fake, it's sickening. I rolled my eyes and followed her to that room.


Once I got outside the building, I noticed that redhead bitch glaring at me. He was fully awake, standing with a youngish woman and a man. Probably his parents, yet he looked a bit too old to still be living with them, but he still looked young.

I walked by him, glaring back. I got in the car with my mom and off we went.

"How was the therapist's?" Mom asked casually, keeping her eyes on the road at all times. I shrugged and sighed, keeping my eyes on the title of the song playing on my iPod: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.

"It's not going to help me." I stated, tuning in to the music more and more with the passing seconds. Mama, ooh... Didn't mean to make you cry. If I'm not back again this time tomorrow, carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters.

"It will, Frank, you just have to let it." Mom sighed, turning the corner and pulling into the parking lot of the supermarket. Too late, my time has come. Sends shivers down my spine. Body's aching all the time. Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go. Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth.

"It won't." I insisted, mumbling. My mom got out of the car and went into the supermarket while I just let Freddie's voice drown out the surrounding sounds. Soon enough, I drifted off to sleep.

Sometimes I wish I'd never been born at all... Was the last thing I heard.


I woke up still in the car. The car was moving though. Mom must've been running the errands. Ugh. Why couldn't she just have taken me home?

"How long was I asleep?" I muttered, looking around. My mom pointed to the clock on the radio, which read: 11:34AM, which means I was asleep for about forty five minutes. I sighed.

"So you excited for summertime?" Mom asked suddenly, turning down our road. I shrugged and looked out the window. Was I excited for summertime? Probably. I mean, I'd get away from the bullies. It doesn't really matter though. But summertime was only a bit less than week away just about. On Wednesday, school's out.

"Yeah, I guess so." I shrugged, taking out my ear buds as we pulled into the driveway. Mom half smiled. We both climbed out of the car and grabbed the groceries and took them inside. Once all of them were put away, I went to my room. This is where I'll probably be until Monday; no therapy sessions tomorrow, so I won't have to leave besides to pee or get a drink or eat a little.

I pulled out my guitar and strummed a few chords. I hadn't touched my guitar since before the accident, so it was kind of nice, being able to play it and all.

After a few minutes, I put my guitar, Pansy, away. I curled up in my bed and just listened to more music. When dinnertime rolled around some hours later, I went downstairs to eat. After that, I went back to my room and stayed there the rest of the night.


Heyyy new fic okay sorry for the short chapter but yeah anyway I know I have other fics I should probably work on but no one's really reading them anyways so fuck it I'm starting a new fic that someone might read *sighs* okay bye.


In The Summertime (Frerard) *on Hold*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora