Chapter 20 - Over?

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*A/N* le Final Chapter!!!!! Thanks for all the support! These Security books have been so much fun to write and to have everyone enjoy. I love you all and thanks so much ♡

Avril's POV

Vince and I had been rushed to the hospital. He had a broken arm, more than likely from all the falling and fighting he had done with his hands tied behind his back. I had some bruises here and there but I was okay. Physically that is. I still couldn't comprehend that Allison was John's sister. How had I not seen the resemblance? How did I manage to fall into her trap?

Currently, Vince and I were sitting in a hospital room together. There were police all over and I just wanted everything to be over with. I wanted to go back into Vince's bed. I wanted him to hold me. I wanted him to help me be okay again. I just wanted some peace. Vince took my hand in his, squeezing it some but not saying anything. I couldn't blame him. I hadn't had much to say either after everything that had just happened. It was a lot to even attempt to wrap my brain around. We had almost been killed. We had fought for our lives. We had survived.

"Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" I looked up at the detective who had just entered the hospital room and then over at Vince. He nodded, allowing the woman to walk inside and take a seat in front of us. "I'm detective Wilson." I noddef, forcing a smile. "I'm Avril." I said and Vince followed, introducing himself as well. "Could you two tell me what happened?" She asked and I looked over at Vince, silently asking him to start. He nodded, looking back at the woman.

"We were in my house this morning, it was only just this morning. I had made us breakfast, and we were having fun together. No worries and without a care in the world. But then, I got a phonecall. I didn't want to answer it at first but I did. It was Allison." He said and Detective Wilson nodded, taking notes as Vince continued. "She told me she thought someone was going to hurt her. She asked me to come help her. She sounded so scared." Vince said. "So I take it you believed her? No questions asked?" Detective Wilson asked and Vince nodded. "I was going to go as soon as I got off the phone because I had no reason not to believe her in my eyes. But Avril doubted it. She asked me to stay. I should have listened. Man, I should have listened." I watched as Vince seemed pretty shaken up by everything and I squeezed his hand, letting him know that we were okay. We had made it out of that hell.

"But I left Avril anyways." He finished and Detective Wilson placed her eyes on me. "What did you do when he left?" She asked me. "I called my friend Jamie to come pick me up. I needed to get back to my place because I kind of needed clothes. She got me and took me home and I changed. I waited around for him to call me and as the hours passed by, I had grown really worried. Vince had promised me he would come back and when he didn't call me or text me, I just had this feeling that something was wrong. So I went back to his place but he was still gone. While sitting in his driveway, I called him and Allison answered his phone. The things she insinuated about what the two of them were didn't make sense to me. She told me he was tied up and that things had gotten kinky. So I went to her place but he wasn't there either. It was a set up. She had me knocked out and when I woke, I was dragged out of a car and thrown into that abandoned house." I said, my hands shaking at the memory.

"What happened prior to Avril's arrival Vince?" Detective Wilson asked and Vince inhaled deeply, glancing from me and back to her. "When I got to the place Allison told me to come, she was all tied up and bloody. When I helped her, I was knocked out by someone else. I woke up at around four, tied up and Allison walked inside with these two huge men and she started telling me that I killed her brother. When I started connecting the dots, it was all so confusing. Then she told me that she was going to bring Avril to where we were and that I was going to watch her die. Then she left and at around eight, that's when she came back with Avril."

Vince and I had explained everything that happened after we were there together. When we finished, Detective Wilson continued to take notes. I looked over at Vince, my heart beating faster than ever. Detective Wilson looked back up at us with a sad look on her face. "I'm so sorry this happened to the both of you." She said and I knew she wasn't supposed to be expressing empathy on the job which showed that she cared. "Do you remember where Allison went after you hit her Avril?" She asked and I wrinkled my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" I asked. "She fell on the ground and I started wailing on her. She never got up." I said. Detective Wilson shook her head. "This doesn't make sense." She said and I looked at Vince and then back to her with a look of confusion. Vince's leg started shaking. "What doesn't make sense?" He asked and I nodded, eager to know what didn't make sense as well.

Detective Wilson started looking over her notes and then she looked back up at us. "Allison's body was never recovered from the crime scene."


Thanks so much for reading! Love you guys and stay tuned for an announcement! ♡

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