Chapter 4 - YouNow

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*A/N* The next chap will be up tomorrow at 9pm eastern time. Enjoy! :-)

I had left the market so quick that I didn't even get any fruit like I planned. Did I really just meet Vince's father? My mind went back to the time I was sitting in Vince's car. I remembered staring at his shirt and asking about it. He told me it was a passion of his and Ted's. Broadcasting? That's what it was? I wondered why he didn't tell me back then. I wondered why he was so secretive about it.

I walked to a nearby café, taking a seat inside and ordering a Panini and a glass of orange juice. While waiting, I unlocked my phone and typed in YouNow in the browser. It lead me to the app store, making it known that I had to download the app. Sighing, I clicked the install button and waited. I was so curious to see what this broadcasting thing was. Why it was so important for him not to tell me. I mean, I know he doesn't want to talk to me now....but back then? Back then, there was something there. There was something between us. Hell, there still is something there. No matter how much he chooses to fight it. I feel it. I felt it when we kissed. I know he did too.

"Here you go, miss." The waiter said, smiling as he set my food down in front of me. "Thank you." I said. He nodded, smiling and walking away. I opened the app after it was done downloading. After everything was done loading, some red headed guy popped up on the screen. He looked young. Maybe about 16 or 17. I scrolled through the trending list and there it was. THATBOYVINCE. I hovered my finger over the picture and after about a minute, I clicked it.

"So who wants their name on this?" His voice beamed, causing a few heads to turn and look at me in the café. I turned my volume down a bit and looked back at my screen. Vince drew these really cool letters that spelled out the word fam and it looked super cool. The camera was focused on his drawing and as the comments were scrolling, hundreds of people were typing "Me!" I smiled, not really knowing why. Maybe because finding this out about him was nice. He was a broadcaster. You see so many people out there that do stuff like this and they act all funny. But Vince was as down to earth as it got. He was as real as they came. So finding this out about him, it was nice. It only further proved that he was an amazing person.

Setting my phone down, I began eating as I watched him draw names on the artwork. "You guys already know I have to put the top tippers first." He said. I didn't understand what he meant and because I hadn't made an account, I couldn't type in the chat. It was amazing though, how all these people tuned in to watch him draw.

I finished up my food and closed the broadcast, putting my phone in my pocket just as the waiter brought me my bill. After paying it, I got up and left the café. As I was walking down the street, my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket, opening it to view the new text message. It was from an unknown number. "Hey." It read. "Who is this?" I replied, slowing my walk and waiting for a reply. "Its Allison. Do you think you can meet me somewhere?" I read over the message and saved her number to my phone before replying. "I guess. Where?" I said. She texted me to meet her at the park and after replying "ok", I made my way there.

It was around a twenty minute walk and I spotted her blonde hair the moment I got there. She was leaning against a tree, her phone in her hands as she smiled at the screen. I walked up to her. "Hey." I said, making her look up from her phone. "Oh, Avril, hey!" She exclaimed, putting her phone in her pocket and smiling at me. "I just wanted to talk to you." She said, moving away from the tree. "About what?" I asked. She sighed, motioning for me to follow her as she made her way to a nearby bench. After we sat down, she looked me in the eyes. "The other night, Vince called me." She said. I felt my cheeks flush, thinking back to the kiss. Did he tell her? "What did he say?" I asked, my heart beat picking up speed. "He told me how he was there for you when everything was going down with John. He told me how he found you in that bed that night, tied up and bloody." I felt a lump form in my throat from the memory. "Why did he tell you all of this?" I asked. "Because he never really explained everything to me. He never explained what went down when John died." I nodded, taking in a deep breath. "So why are you telling me this?" I asked. Her eyes flashed with a weird emotion but it was gone as quick as it came.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for never contacting you after we had that disagreement that day. If I had been there for you..." She trailed off and I noticed a tear fall from her eye. "Allison, you didn't know what was happening." I said, trying my best to let her know that I wasn't upset with her about that. "But you were my friend Avril. And even if I didn't know about the bruises, I knew he wasn't treating you right. I should have been there." I nodded. "Its okay. Really Allison, its okay." I said, feeling my face heat up. She nodded, wiping her face. "So how have you been since everything?" She asked, smiling once again. I sighed. "I've been the best I can be right now I guess. I'm working, I have my own place, and I'm just enjoying my independence." I said. She nodded. "Have you spoken to your parents?" She asked and I nodded in return. "Yeah, they know about everything too and I'm glad that they don't hate me." She wrinkled her eyebrows in confusion. "Why would they hate you?" She asked. "Because, I haven't exactly been the best daughter." I said, looking away from her eyes. I felt her hand touch my shoulder causing me to look back up. "You were going through hell Avril. You were doing what you thought was best." I smiled.

"So how are things with you?" I asked, making her face light up. "Things are great. I'm as happy as a girl can get and Vince only makes everything so much better." She exclaimed. I nodded, forcing a smile at the mention of Vince. "Yeah, he's amazing." I said, trying to look happy for her. But I wasn't. It wasn't right that she was with him. They didn't belong together, they weren't right for each other. Vince was right for me and I was right for him.

I was going to make him see that.


*A/N* Hey guys, just a really quick note. I am writing this story for you all and for Vince. No one else but this family. And I don't appreciate some of the hate I've been getting. If you don't like this story and you feel that badly about it, you don't have to read it. No one is forcing you or holding a gun to your head and making you read this. My messages don't need your irrelevant ass comments in them. Thank you. And for those who are showing me support, I really appreciate it. I just needed to get that off my chest.

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