"Hey, how she doing?" Juan asked.

"She is still out of it. The doctor wants to give her another day and then he will reduce the medication so that she can wake up," I didn't look at him when I answered him.

"What's wrong with you?" I didn't look at him when he asked, but I can see he titled his head.

I was quiet for a few seconds before I spoke up, still feeling zombie out, "Monica, she was right. We should have never got together. I'm a fucken fool thinking that I can protect her. Her life has been nothing but pain because of me. I'm not old enough to protect her or strong enough," I was still staring at Monica.

"What the fuck, are you serious? Even if Monica didn't go out with you, she would have probably still run into him and it would have probably been worse if it wasn't for you....." Juan said in a serious tone in his voice.

"Look, Juan, don't you get it. This is my fault; I took her to that restaurant where she met him. I was the stupid one who might have slept with that girl and got her pregnant. I did so wrong in Monica life and she deserve better," my cell phone started buzzing since I've been at the hospital I haven't checked my phone. I knew it wasn't my parent's because they have been coming by throughout the day.

I look at my phone and Monica phone is moving, "What the fuck?"

"What's wrong?" Juan asked.

"Monica, her phone is moving. She must have forgotten that she...............FUCK! Get the family together," I got up looking at him.

"Are you telling me that we still can get this asshole?" Juan was starting to get upset.

"Yeah, now let's go," I was reaching for the door to walk out.

"Hell no!" Juan stopped me.

"What do you mean no? This asshole fucks up everything I had and what I want to do to him it is so worth going to jail for," I said angrily.

"Are you fuckin crazy? You just want to put my sister through more pain and you gave my dad and me your word that you wouldn't hurt her again!" Juan looks at me angrily.

"She is going to leave me anyway. Now that there is no child, and then blame me for everything that happened to her," Juan started texting on his phone.

I end up walking out of the room and Juan followed me. We were arguing down the hallway, in the elevator and walking out of the hospital. I walk all the way to my car and that is when Juan shoved me and punches me in the face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yelled at him, holding my face.

I van drove up and stop behind my car. That is when I notice it was the family.

"Make sure he doesn't leave the hospital," Juan grabs my phone and took off in the van with other family members.

I can't believe this asshole. Three of the family stayed with me, they didn't say anything to me. I dust myself off and went back into the hospital into Monica room.

The guys waited outside the waiting area. I went into Monica restroom and wash myself up. I walk out there was Paul and Mari.

"What the hell happen to your face?" Mari asked.

"Your asshole brother," I went to sit in the chair I was in before.

"Shut the hell up Adrian. It's obvious that you said or did something that would be the only reason why he hit you. I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, but you been acting strange since we've been here," Mari kissed Monica on the forehead and walk out giving me a dirty look.

"Mari is right since we've been here at the hospital you have changed and what's fuck up about this is that you won't tell me. We've been best friends for a long time, Adrian. I've been by your side from the beginning and....." I cut Paul off.

"Shut the fuck Paul!" my parent's walk in.

"What's going on boys?" my father asked.

"I don't know what is going on, but something wrong with your son," Paul said and then walks out.

"So, you going to tell us or just stand there being mad?" my mom cross her arms over her chest.

I didn't even want to go there, "I'll be back," I walk out so that my parents can visit with Monica.

As soon as I left the room the guys started following me. They didn't say anything because they seen how mad I am. I was about to walk out of the hospital when one of the guys asked. "Where are you going?"

"Just getting some air," I grounded my teeth angrily.

I sat outside on a bench facing the bushes, with my hands covering my face. I wanted to scream in frustration, I wanted to beat the shit out of Lucas for hurting my family. I.....I just want to hold Monica and go back to the way we were. She is going to hate me and life is not going to be the same. I was crying but not where people can hear me, a silent cry where tears were streaming down my face.

I sat there for about 30 mins just thinking what am I going to do about all this.

"So, are you going to tell us what's wrong or what?" my father asked. I turned my head sideways and seen my parent's sitting there facing the other way.

"I screwed up bad. I lost my child and I know I will lose Monica too, so I've been thinking about letting her go," I was staring at the bushes.

"What! Eres loco (are you crazy)," my mom yelled at me. Oh no, once she starts speaking Spanish she is mad.

"Mom, don't you get it. I can't protect my family. I lost my family......I am not man enough for her," I turned sideways looking at her.

My mom sigh, "Son, you are not the only one that goes through this. I see this all the time in court, but it sad that it happen to my family. You have to stay strong for her and she is not going to stop loving you because all of this happened. She will be angry, hurt and sad for awhile, but that does not stop life. Monica is a strong woman and I believe that she will overcome this, it may not be now, but she will come out stronger," my mom sat next to me, placing her hands in mine.

I just sat there and my mom grabs me, she held me tight in a hug and tears were coming down again silently.

"Come on, let's go back," my dad said putting his hand on my shoulder. I look up and he gave me a small smile.

As we were walking, my mom asked, "What happen to your eye?" I turn around and the guys were following us. "Nothing," I shook my head at my mom and I think she figure it out but didn't say nothing after that.

My parent's and I walk into Monica room. Paul, Mari, and her parents were there beside Monica bed.

I tap on Paul's shoulder, "I'm sorry." I hug him hard and he did the same. I grab Mari and wrap my arm around her, still holding Paul. "Sorry, Mari," she smiles and hug me back.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now