夜空 « rules

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ichi follow me. this is extremely optional, yet again highly appreciated. yes, having a bunch of followers is satisfying for me and also for everyone lets be honest- these are also for dedication purposes.

nivoting and commenting. this is a certain must as it acts as your attendance for this apply fic to see if you are catching up with the chapters, or not.

sanbeing active. this is the most important of all, and im not saying to straight up stare at your electronics for 24 hours straight. at least be online for a few minutes a day and if you're going on hiatus, please inform me about it.

shirespecting. please do respect the people and the author whenever applying for this apply fic. do not bash other people or say some sort of rude words or else imma  kick ur arses sorry not sorry c:

goplagiarizing. I've seen this one acc owned by this girl ( not naming names here ) who seems to be plagiarizing author's works, apply fics to be specific. all im saying is to please, do not copy my works bcs not cool man not cool.

rokufilling in your forms. as a perfectionist, i extremely adore forms that are neat, and unique at the same time so keeping your form neat would probably earn you a 50% chance on getting accepted lololol.

shichibe patient. as a major ass procrastinator, i update my works in a time that is incredibly slow so please understand that. i will try my best to not be a lazy faggot and to update as fast as i can so hopefully, that can be tolerated by ya'll

hachi 。lastly, hope you all can enjoy this apply fic ! <3


i did not just copy and pasted the rules from my previous apply fic

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