Chapter: 1

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Hilos readers! Yas, this is the famous Ewan Burke. I had to make a new account becuase my other wasn't working. I'll try my hardest to get back on the other. But, here is the story!


            I woke up. Something wasn't right. I sat up. I was in the middle of a room, on a couch. There was nothing special about the room, other than a fire place and a jaguar head above that. I tilted my head, wondering why the heck someone would have that. Then the jaguar snarled at me. I yipped and jumped up. The jaguar squinted its eyes at me, like it was saying, what kind of person are you? I sighed, and laid back down. There was thumping like people walking down a wooden stair case. I immediately closed my eyes, and slowed my breathing.

"...and Percy said that collage is going well. He's sad that he missed witnessing Grover's baby being born, but he's glad that it's a healthy young satyr." said a feminine voice.

"Good. Also, before I leave, make sure that Cheyenne is getting along with Nico."

"Yes sir!" said the female voice again.

There was a noise like a chuckle, and then horse hooves clomping across the floor. A door opened, then closed after a while. The girl sighed, and said, "I'm sure going to miss having Chiron around. I wish he didn't have to leave to see his cousins."

There was a whoosh sound like someone sitting down. The person sighed and said, "Well, my sleeping Leo, when are you going to wake..."

The door opened, and someone walked in.

"Hey Chey!" said the voice.

"Hey." mumbled another female voice.

"Can you watch Le- er, the kid for me?"

"Sure." mumbled the voice again.

There was footsteps, the door opening again, and the first voice saying, "Thanks!" and shutting the door. There were footsteps that sounded like someone was walking toward me, then they stopped right next to me. I tried my hardest not to move. A hand brushed up against my forehead.

"Hm. Not warm anymore. He should be up anytime soon..."


The girl screamed, and tripped over a chair. She flipped backwards, and probably hit her head, judging by the sound. A boy burst into the door. He was 16, maybe 17, and had blond hair. He had a bronze colored sword strapped to his belt, and an orange shirt that read, "Camp Half Blood" He wore casual jeans, with a few dirt smudges.

"Is everything- oh. Hello." said the 16 year old.

I grinned and said, "Hilos."

"He's awake." moaned the girl.

"I can see..." said the boy, placing a hand on his chin. "And what did you say? Was it...Hellos?"

"Hilos." I corrected him.

"And that means?"

"Hello and hi combined." I grinned.

"Hm. Smart." said the boy.

"Anyways, I'm Malcolm. And the girl over there is Cheyenne."

"Hi..." moaned the girl again.

"And you are?" asked Malcolm.

"Oliver Valdez." I said, doing some jazz hands.

"Valdez...that name rings a bell...are you related to Leo Valdez, by chance?"

"I think. From what I know, he's my cousin."


"Can you get an Apollo kid, Malcolm?" groaned Cheyenne.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." said Malcolm, hurrying out of the house.

Cheyenne got up, and stared at me hard. She had black short hair, and pale skin. She also had a Camp Half Blood shirt, but it had some sharpie drawings on it. She stood up, and started to walk over to me. She had black skinny jeans, with black canvas shoes. I turned my body so I was facing her, and smiled. She tried her hardest to shoot me a death glare, but it didn't work. I just smiled harder.

"You little-" she was about to grab my shirt, but Malcolm and another blond haired kid walked in. The other kid had blue eyes you could clearly see, and almost radiated happiness. He had a Camp Half Blood shirt (what is it with orange shirts that read Camp Half Blood?) with some quick dry shorts. He also had a bow and quiver slung around his back.

"I heard that you guys needed some assistance?" said the other boy.

"Yeah, this little twerp-"

"Hey, be nice to the kid. He just got here." said the boy.

"Oh, and by the way, this is Will." said Malcolm, gesturing toward the other kid.

Will smiled, and walked over to me. He knelt down, and inspected me. After a while, he grinned.

"You're totally-"

"Hey! It's me that needs the assistance! Because of the 'helpless little kid that just arrived here', I have a bruise-"

"Clam down, clam down! I'll look at you!" said Will, turning so he was facing Cheyenne.

"I'll get you." whispered Cheyenne.

Will parted her hair, and looked around. "You seem ok. Just a little bit of ambrosia and you'll be good." said Will, taking a little piece of a golden looking brownie, and giving it to Cheyenne. She popped it into her mouth, and calmed down a little.


"Yeah..." mumbled Cheyenne.

"Good." said Will, getting up.

I stood up, and shook myself out. I looked down at myself, and frowned at my ripped up clothes.

"How'd I turn up like this?" I asked myself.

"Well, we found you washed up on the shore over at the beach, but otherwise, we don't know." said Will. "You were out cold, and you weren't breathing regularly. So, we brought you here, and hoped for the best."

"Wait, who found me?"

"Me." said a voice.

I spun around, and saw a 16 year old leaning against the wall in a shadow. He had black hair, and circles under his eyes. He wore a black t-shirt with a large white skull on it, covered by an aviator's jacket. He had a black sword at his side, which radiated darkness. The boy himself seemed to radiate it.

"Um, hello there." I said.

He grunted, and I said, "Who are you?"

He mumbled something, then Cheyenne said, "Nico. His name is Nico."

"Well, hello Nico. I'm Oliver." I said. He nodded, the rested his chin on his chest.

"O-kay then." I said, turning back to the others.

"So, what do I do now?" I asked.

Malcolm and Will grinned. "Come on. We'll show you around camp." said Will, opening a door. I smiled, and followed the two as they walked out.

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