Chaptur wan

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"What da hell!", Elsa said in her room when 2 snow leopards rammed on the window exploding into pieces while blood scatter on the window. Elsa grabbed her lightsaber for defence, and ran to the door. Elsa tried to open the door but it was locked by a croissant where Anna left it. Elsa was sooooo scared when suddenly Hitler broke down the window using the force with his german men. Elsa uses her magical and icy powers to slaughter hitler and his buddies. Elsa then fly using her icy jetpack power to the mountain when she sang "Let it go". She brought the lightsaber with her in her belly patch, yep she's an icy kangaroo for some reasons.

Making her sand castle.. I mean snow castle she sacrifice her icy blood to the paper gods so she can get inspiration from them. The paper gods accept her offerings but sadly Elsa died of cold sweat.


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