Chapter Two: Unknown Turtletory (Territory)

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I woke up to the sound of a waterfall, and the feeling or of something nibbling on me. A rat. I just brushed it off and sat up, wincing from the pain in my back.

"Ah... Ouch..." In a quick realization, I felt all around on my shell, letting out a soft sigh in relief.

"Thank goodness, it isn't cracked."

I let my hands roam along the cool concrete, in order to get a sense of where I am. It felt just like any other sewer tunnel down here. Although, I did notice that the air around me was a bit more cooler than usual. In fact, it actually caused me to shiver a bit.

I stood up, and took a hold of my T-Phone, in order to use it as a light, and aimed it around the room.


This place was sure-as-shell cramped. The room was pretty much just a box, with the exception of a very tall ceiling, and two water-falls coming from behind me, and in front of me. There were two beds, side by side, with a small oval-shaped door beside them.

I walked on over to that very door, and noticed that, as I got closer, it was actually a deep color of purple. The handle was a rusty bronze color.

I moved my hand down onto the knob, turning it to the left.


"Wh-What?" I turned it once again, then a third time, and then a fourth.

The truth of the matter is that I already knew it was locked. I know my sounds quite well actually. Especially the locking of doors. I always have to lock my room and lab at night after all.

I was honestly just hoping that the door just clicked when it was about to open.

Well, this is a full disaster...

I turned my head down to my T-Phone, and quickly dialed the first person I thought of. Raph.

I don't get why, but maybe it was because there was a chance that he was still in the sewers, hunting me down.

*Zz* I felt the vibration in my hand. My T-Phone was low on battery.

I quickly dialed Raph, and fidgeted in anticipation.

"..come on-cOmE oN- COME ON! RAPH!"

"Oh, hey there Donnie. Are you ready to get killed?" I could feel his dark aura through the phone. I cut his growl off, in order to speak.

"Raph, listen. I'm in serious trouble. I don't have time, cause the T-Phone might die." I had remembered that there were a set of numbers on each tunnel. The one I took, said...

"Look for tunnel 3363, and look for the really short tunnel down it. It leads to a quick drop-off. I'm trapped down here, I believe the tunnel was labeled 4---"

The signal cut off, and I looked down at my phone. It shut off.

All I can hope for is that Raph can find me.

I walked over to one of the beds, and sat on it, pulling my knees up to my chest.

Raph's P.O.V

I looked down at the disconnected T-Phone.

Trouble? What, did he slip on a banana peel and fall on his back? Pft. If that the case, then I HAVE to see this!

So. Second chapter... Is it good?! Dx I'm so worried!


The Hot-Head and the Brainiac (Discontinued..)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang