Chapter 2

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“No. I said, you can’t go off to Sweden and get your tail end kicked! Who do you think you are, the president?!”

“NO! You have to let me go! They killed my fr-“ I stammered, staring at the large figure that towered over me. 

“I can’t let a little girl go to Sweden after what JUST happened. Who do you think I am, stupid? I'm not letting this happen, it's not in my power anyways. Shouldn't you be asking someone else about this, little girl? Really, now. I'm nothing special but a person, just like you.

“The President said he’d stop at nothing, you heard him! What if one of your close friends died, huh, sir? And for the record stop calling me little, because I am ANYTHING but that!" I spat out, staring him dead in the eye. He looked down to me as I raised my fist and slammed him hard in the groin area.

"Call me little again, I dare you." I smiled a sly smile then stood there before him.

The guard that was placed in front of the City Hall looked straight forward, not bothering to look downwards at me anymore. He was quite tall and had on an ironed and pressed uniform with many medals on it. His hair was combed and slicked back, which made him look like some important person, when really he was just a simple gaurd. With his towering broad look, I knew not to annoy him to the point of where the rifle that was placed in his left hand had to be used. I wasn’t stupid, and I didn’t plan on becoming stupid anytime soon. 

“You know you can get arrested for that." He said with a clear voice, still not bothering to look down at me.

"And you know I don't care?"

"Just go home already. I've crushed your dream of saving your dead friend, and that's all that matters, right?"

"What did you just say to me?"

"Nothing." He sputtered out.


By now I was yelling and already causing a scene, as I saw heads peeping out the windows at me.

"I said there's nothing you can do about your stupid dead friend, you foolish child! Now go home!"

I felt into my back pocket and held a knife to his throat that seemed to be a few feet above me.

"Can you repeat that one more time?"

The soldiers mouth was kept shut, as I kept his rifle in my eye sight. His hands weren't gripped on it, so I knew he wouldn't dare use it on a child.

"That's what I thought." I muttered back to him and slid it back into the pocket. 

I hesitated then began the long journey home on foot, since I was one of the few people that didn’t have a bike or car. It wasn’t my fault that I didn’t enjoy all those dinky little items the rich people had. I was surprised there were actually any rich people left. Who needed a large mansion or anything else? All I needed was my family and my brains. That's all anyone ever need, but I guess I was one of the few people in Rivesville content with what I have. After a few long minutes of thought, I snapped back into the depths of reality. At this point, reality was the one place I honestly didn't want to be.


I ran over to my teacher, Mr. Danish, eyeing the poster then eyeing how he looked. His cheeks were to the point of pale, and his usual bright and cheerful hazel eyes were turned the color of pure black. I guess this little war between us was affecting us all, but now the school? This couldn't be right at all. Education was huge in Rivesville, and everybody took it seriously. They wouldn't cancle school for just anything.

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