My favourite games/movies/books <3

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Hey guys,

I'm so sorry that I didn't write all the stories you requested, but hey... Aren't we all lazy... ouo°?

Whatever, I just wanted to ask you if you like the following films/books/games, because if you're writing Xreader fanfictions about them or you want to talk about them, just tell me m'kay? ^w^ I hope you're interested to ask me who my favourite characters are!!! <3

- Harry Potter

- The Hunger Games

- Pokémon

- EarthBound

- Super Smash Bros.

- Animal Crossing

- The Legend of Zelda

- Naruto

- Assassination Classroom

- Soul Eater

- One Piece

- Percy Jackson

- Seven Deadly Sins

- The Avengers

- The Heroes of Olympus

Super Smash Brothers X Reader FanFictions/OneShots (Requests are closed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt