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Skylar tried to contact him for weeks only to have him ignore her like she had ignored him. She was frustrated and upset which only complicated things even more.

She could hardly focus in her classes, let alone get her work done, and sleep was a blessing when it finally came for her.

On the other hand, Harry attempted to bury himself in his work while he was there. Constantly he thought of what he should do because Lilly really wanted, and needed, a Mummy but, now that he knew the truth and that Skylar had lied to him he was hurt and didn't want to go through that again.

About two months had passed before he answered one of her calls.

Harry sighed deeply, "I want you to come back."

He was still upset with her but Lilly was miserable and part of that was his fault and, she had come clean with him rather than continuing to lie to him so he wasn't as upset as he could have been.

Skylar was silent for a moment, she couldn't believe that he had answered let alone the six words he had just said.

"You do?"

Harry sighed again and she frowned, his words said come back but it didn't sound like he meant them, "I do. Lilly misses you and she really needs you."

Skylar's frown deepened, "What about you?"

Harry hesitated but there wasn't a point in keeping things from her, "I'm still very upset and processing but her needs outweigh mine and I still have feelings for you as crazy at that sounds after all of this."

Her voice softened and she wiped at her eyes, "You do?"

Harry nodded although she couldn't see him, "I do and, despite how upset I am that you hid that from me the way that you did, I'm not willing to let that go. Please come back Skylar."

"Okay. I really am sorry about what I did to you and our sweet little girl though and I wish that I could make it up to you somehow but I don't know what to do."

Harry smiled softly and looked over to where Lilly was coloring in the living room, despite all that had gone on she was still such a precious girl with a bright and happy soul, "Well, you can start by moving in. The rest we can work through somehow but first you need to explain and make it up to Lilly."

Lilly looked up and back over to where he stood at the mention of her name. Harry smiled and blew her a kiss which made her giggle before she blew one back and went back to her coloring.

"Okay, yeah. Yeah. Can I-"

He stopped her because he already knew what she was going to ask, "Yes, bring some stuff over too so you can spend the night because she really misses you."

Skylar smiled brightly now as she wiped her eyes, "I know you're still upset but I love you, I really do and I always meant it when I said it."

Harry looked to his feet and smiled, "Yeah, I know. I love you too Skylar."

At the mention of the familiar name Lilly stopped everything and beamed, "Is Mummy coming over!?"

Harry laughed lightly and nodded, "Yes, Mummy's coming over."

He turned his attention back to the phone, "I've got to somehow get her to clean up so we'll see you soon. I'm sorry for being a dick these past two months."

Skylar laughed as she packed some things into a dufflebag, "Don't worry about it, I did the same to you. I'll see you soon."

Harry bit his lower lip as he smiled, "Goodbye, Skylar."

Skylar beamed because she knew that goodbye only meant hang up and get over here as soon as you can, "Goodbye, Harry."

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