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A wise man once said "Don't be afraid of change , it is leading you to a new beginning." What I say is, change is horrifying. Leaving friends behind, leaving you're favorite candy shop, or the swings you've swung on ever since you were little. Tears run down my face as I pack up all the pictures of my friends and I laughing. I was happy then. If you asked me if I was happy now I probably wouldn't be so sure of my answer.

Hello, my name is Kara Parker. This is my story...

My mom yelled, "it's here!!" I ran into my brothers room and looked out his window since my window was facing the backyard. There it was in my driveway. A huge semi saying Terriko Transportion co.

Oh no here comes the tears again. But nothing came out of my eyes. I couldn't move . I just stared at the truck.

I eventually snapped back into reality when my not so little brother was snapping and clapping his hands in front of me. "Kara. Kara. KARA!" "WHAT!" I yelled. "Get out of my room I need to finish packing and you also just look creepy when you zone out. " said max. " Take your time we are just leaving today and ha-ha thanks means a lot coming from you!" I said sarcastically as i left Max's room.

    I went back into my room and made sure I had everything. I checked the closet , the corners of my floor, and even behind my door. I couldn't forget anything. Well I could, but hopefully I don't because I won't be seeing it for awhile if ever...... Finished.done.complete. Everything in my house was put into boxes . My step dad aka Frank yelled "Start bringing stuff down. We are starting to pack stuff into the semi." I started hauling my dresser down stairs. HINT: it's a two person job!!

     "MAX!" He didn't hear me because of his blaring music so I yelled again "MAX!" I thought he heard me because he had lowered his obnoxious music, but I guess not since he didn't answer. So, I yelled one more time "MAX OLIVER PARKER!!!" He opened his door and then said "What ?"  In a calm voice oblivious to the fact that I have been screening his name for the past 2 minutes. He noticed pretty quickly after he said what, that I was struggling with the dresser. I was already half way down the stairs but he stilled helped a lot because my arms were already sore and I mean he was pretty strong.  We got the dresser outside but the Terriko brothers took it from there. 

     I went  outside and looked into  the semi and noticed how much was already packed. Then I asked my mom " how much more time until we leave?" She said " About a hour and a half." The next thing I knew was that it was already time. Frank yelled out "Start getting in the car!" 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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