Chapter 1

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"Ian! Where the hell are you?!" Mira yelled for her twin.

"Mira, I'm right behind you," Ian said calmly.

Mira and Ian have matching emerald green eyes. Ian is about 4 inches taller than his 5'3" sister. Mira has long wavy dark blonde hair while Ian has crew cut dark brown hair with natural blonde highlights. Mira is of a petit pear build and Ian is a muscular build.

"Damn, Ian Miller Davison, I've been looking for you, where the hell have you been?"

"I've been getting my wonderful sister a wonderful present," Ian handed Mira a small box wrapped in turquoise paper with a turquoise silk ribbon.

Mira took the gift and unwrapped it, saving the ribbon. When she was done, she saw that the box held a turquoise pendant on a silver chain.

"It's a Water Goddess pendant," Ian said.

"It's perfect, Ian," Mira said, putting the pendant on.

"The Water, Fire, Earth, and Air Goddesses have bless us both, Mira Avira Davison," Ian said. "Today is our seventeenth year with the Goddesses' favor."

Ever since they were 1 year and 1 month old, the Goddesses have let Mira and Ian have control over the four elements of nature.

"So, why is it that I am the only one who receives gifts on this day?" Mira asked.

"Because, the Goddesses have never told you to get me something, but they've told me to get you certain things," Ian said.

"It seems unfair that you get me stuff and I don't get you stuff, though," Mira said.

"It is the Goddesses desire," Ian smiled. "So, why were you looking for me?"

"I'm going out and I was wondering what I should wear," Mira said. "But since I have this necklace, I know what to wear. Now, out, out, out." She pushed her twin out of her room.

Half an hour later, Mira walked out of her room. She was wearing a strapless long light turquoise dress that had hot pink stripes going randomly up and down the skirt. She had on a bracelet with interchanging pink and blue beads and pink earrings studs. Her ring was silver set with a turquoise stone. Her shoes were blue flats with pink string bows.

"You look good, Mira. Who's the guy taking you out?" Ian asked.

"Byron," Mira replied simply.

"Why him?" Ian asked.

"He's nice, polite, and smart," Mira answered.

"Well, he better treat you right or he'll have hell to pay," Ian said.

"Tell that to him," Mira said. A knock came and interrupted their conversation. Mira went and answer it.

When she opened the door, she saw a woman with fiery redish orange hair and fiery eyes in a dress to match.

"Caria, my Lady," Mira bowed with her fist over her heart.

"Mira, daughter, you resemble Aqua quite a bit," Caria the Fire Goddess said. Mira stood up strait.

"Thank you, my lady," Mira said.

"Ian, how are you?" Caria asked.

"I'm good, Lady Caria," Ian smiled. Suddenly a boy of 5' 9" with black hair and amethyst eyes humming 'I believe in you' appeared behind Caria.

"Excuse me, Lady Caria, but my date has come to pick me up," Mira glided past the goddess and hook her arm in Byron's and they headed off.

"She is blessed as no other," Caria said. "Here, Zyana has sent this note, I suggest you and Mira read it as soon as you can."

"Yes, Lady Caria," Ian said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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