Week 1:

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We hadn’t talked, eaten or killed in 7 days. Most of the time me and Tianna sat and talked  about nothing. Then we heard the screaming. I jumped to my feet and pounded towards the screaming. I turned a corner and skidded to a halt. There stood a girl towering over another girl. The terrified looking girl had no finger nails after being ripped off. Blood ran down her finger tips, dropping to the floor. Her hair had been cut off and lay next to her.

“What are You doing?” The girl turned around- nail pulling tool in her hand.

“I’m starving!” She cackled and stared at me with a huge grin. “I want to eat something but her nails keep scratching me,”

“Don’t eat her! We can go without eating, Look..”

“No! You look. We have nothing to eat and this girl is now mine…” The girl in the seat whimpered and looked at me.

“Please help me!” a tear ran down her face. I bit my lip and stared back at the mad woman.

“I WON’T LET YOU HURT HER!” I shouted and grabbed something sharp from the table. I was hoping not to kill her but if it happens… no one can complain. He laughed hysterically and grabbed a syringe from the chair.


I hate needles.

Sweat dripped from my head as I stared at her and the needle. Then she charged. I moved out the way and tripped her over. She landed on her chin- biting her tongue so hard that it bled. She didn’t even crack a sound of pain as she stood back up.

I swiped her leg with the sharp thing making smooth slit in her flesh. She grimaced and came at me with the needle- pushing me to the floor and trying to stab me in the neck.

“HURRY UP AND GO!” I screamed at the girl in the chair. She nodded- panicked by my screaming. She scrambled with the straps and jumped out the chair and running for her life as I wrestled with a mad girl- until she froze. Her eye widened and her voice cracked. She rolled off me and there stood Tianna, a knife in her hands. I got to my feet and looked at her. She looked back at me before wrapping me in her small arms.

“I won’t let them eat You either. I promise.” She whispered to me.


The other’s decided to eat the poor dead girl since there was nothing else. I decided to starve but I made an exception for Tianna. I was huddled away in a corner- thinking about how I would be holding Rex and how we would be… happier than this.

Suddenly the chamber doors we’re opened- we kept silent until we knew what was happening. Sounds of struggle was heard and being me I had to find the source. I stood up and walked over to the main room where the other sat eating. I stared up at the noise seeing Murderer holding someone by both the hair and arms. He then threw him to our feet and brushed his hands.

“More dinner for You there kids.” She smirked before going back up. Silence fell upon the room as the person stood up.


“Rex?” I asked the air. I walked over to the person seeing it was Rex.

Oh My Goodness. Rex was here!


In… the chamber…

“How are you here!?” I exclaimed and pulled him back to the corner I had emerged from.

“I saved one of the girls- stabbing newbie.”

“Oh,” That’s all I could say.

“Who’s that Your eating?” he said coldly.

“I’M Not eating no one. I’m starving instead.” He gave me a look of understanding and worry. “I’ll be Ok. I promise. I even gave You the charm.” He dug into his pocket and pulled out the small hear charm I had passed to him. I smiled and wrapped him up.

“I miss you this week,”

“I missed You as well…”

The Hunger Chamber[NO LONGER WRITING]Where stories live. Discover now