Letter To Axel Halbridge.

Start from the beginning

Her name is Athena and, my God, she looks like you in almost every way, except for her hair colour. She has this look in her eyes, like she's analysing everything that is happening around her. I am astonished at how intelligent she is, she has the greatest understanding of right and wrong and is not afraid to let you know about it. She'll be five soon.

I searched for you, for longer than I care to admit and with my vast resources I came up with nothing. You are an ever present ghost lingering over my shoulder and when I stand with my daughter, I see you.

I would have liked for you to have been there for her first word, her first steps and her first laugh. There were so many moments and milestones I would have liked to share with you but I guess wishes on stars don't come true.

When I saw you in my office after five years I thought you were there for me, and you were. Just not for the reason I had wanted.

You barged into my life and made a huge mess in your wake. I am being honest when I say I don't regret what I did to your sister, her actions and behaviour were anything but that of a caring girlfriend. She ruined my brothers childish nativity, I had hoped he would have kept it a little longer before being hurt like that. He really did care about her. The real world and the realities of it changed him. He learned very quickly that things are not always what they seem. That's also something that I had to learn, when I held someone elses hand through labour, when I cried as loud and long as Athena when she wouldn't sleep and I had no idea what was wrong with her, the doctors appointments and every trial I've had to face without you. It's not your fault. Oh how I wish I could blame you for everything, but it takes two to make a child. It is my problem, to have carried, delivered, and now raise this child, as it was I who chose to keep her, in the full knowledge that you may never be involved in this process.

You had no desire to find me, and that's fine, but I never got the opportunity to tell you about her.

Honestly, after everything that has happened now, I don't even know if I'm going to give you this letter. I have so much hurt and pain lingering around you, you have no idea what working with Alexander has done. I don't know if I could ever allow you to be with her after this, Athena, at the age of 16 or whatever age she can understand the circumstances can come to you if she wishes to. I have not and will not ever paint her father, you, in a bad light. I will leave that up to her to decide, but Axel, if you choose to continue this path of revenge, what will be left of yourself once it's done? I think you need to understand that if you continue to ruin my life and seek out this petty vendetta you may very well lose your daughter for good. If that's what you want, I don't even know how you feel about children.
I don't write this to make you feel guilty or to point out your indiscretions, but I want you to understand the weight of this decision.

If you choose to be in her life, I won't stop you. If you choose to pretend that she doesn't exist, you can. If you choose to continue you your revenge, go for it. If you choose to work with Alexander, fine.

As Newton's third law states, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

Whatever you do with this information I hope that you think it through thoroughly. I will not allow you into Athena's life if you are going to be a ghost to her as well. I will not sit by idly and twiddle my thumbs if you hurt her. I will rain down hell on you if you make promises you can not keep.

Axel, if there is one thing that you take from this letter let it be this. This sweet, precious child, will be the best gift in your life and an ever present light. She is innocent and young and deserves nothing but the best.

If you can't offer her that then don't even bother uttering her name.


Elizabeth Lawson.

A letter to Athena Margaret Lawson

My beautiful baby,
You're coming up to your fifth birthday as I write this letter. I don't know when you will read this but it will be at the right time when I know you can understand.

For your third birthday you told me you wanted a puppy and when you got a soft toy you were ecstatic, you carried it with you everywhere and called him Humphrey. We were watching a movie together and you were absolutely in love with the idea that every family had a dog, but you noticed something else.

The children had a dad.

I remember clear as day when you looked at me confused and then back at the TV. When I asked you what it was bothering me you said something I wasn't expecting, at least not for another year or two,

"Mama, can I have a daddy too?"

I felt my heart break for you and I was shocked to say the least. You looked distraught as if you had just realised your life wasn't complete, that you were missing out on something that I hadn't given you. I had pulled you into my arms collecting my thoughts and tried to find the right things to say and it was this,

"Athena, you do have a daddy-" To which your face lit up and I felt horrible for what I was about to say, "-But your daddy needs to do lots of work."

You looked at me puzzled for a moment and then back at the movie. I watched as your mind slowly consumed this information and you nodded your head determined,

" Then I'm going to work hard too Mummy! So my daddy doesn't have to work so hard. I'll be good too so he will love me too!"

I didn't know what to say, I couldn't be honest with you, not completely. I hated that you felt like you had to work for his love. At that time I didn't know where to find him. I had searched tirelessly. Some days, when you were taking a nap, I'd fall asleep at my computer searching endlessly, but I never found him.

You told me sometime after later, that all you wanted for your next birthday was your dad.

I saw how you looked at the other families with longing, watching other fathers take an active role in their lives and you wanted that. Most of all I wanted to give it to you. I know you wanted us to live in a house like a family, with a cute little dog like the people on TV.

I want nothing but to give you the world my sweet, but sometimes things don't work out the way we plan, sometimes things can't be fixed. The reality of the world is that life isn't fair.

I played two roles in your life, mother and father. I am happy with this, I wished I could have given you more but I can't.

One day, recently your father walked into my office at work and declared some rather unsavoury things I do not wish to repeat. His history and mine is just that, his and mine. I want you to know, that whatever has happened between us should not affect you in anyway. I do not want you to feel like it's your fault that we didn't play happy families. I want you to make your own judgement and choices. So I'm giving you this letter. I'm giving you the option to find him and get know him, if you wish to.

His name is Axel.
Axel Halbridge.

My darling daughter, I know that you will grow up and become a beautiful person both inside and out. I want you to know that I will do anything for you and that I have loved you from the moment I saw the little plus sign on my test. I want you to know that with or without a father does not define you as a person. He is not the world, but if you do meet him, if you do wish to ever be acquainted with him I will support you. If it goes bad I will be there and if it goes well, which I hope it does, I will help and encourage you.

With all my love,

Mum x o

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