Neil looked at Allen with a bored expression. "Who said I was interested in Rio?"

Rod straightened himself and spoke up. "Maybe because you're still wearing that blanket she tied around you. Plus, you smiled when she was here. Oh, and let's not forget about the kiss!" Neil cursed Rod's loose tongue for the thousandth time and sighed, Allen really wouldn't leave him alone now.

Allen looked amused as Neil hurriedly removed the blanket from around his shoulders. "Is this true Neil? Did Rio accomplish the impossible? Interesting. You're more smitten than I thought." How did Allen even know this stuff? Rio mentioned once that he was all-knowing and he was starting to believe her. He had a weird way of knowing everything about everybody in town.

Neil rolled his eyes, "Why do you guys care so much? Just leave me alone and go back to minding your own business." He put the blanket aside; he'd bring it back later when he delivered the rest of Rio's order.

Allen rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Rod. "Look, Spring Harmony Day is coming up soon. Just make something for Tina, and I'm sure she'll take care of the rest. Everyone knows she never shuts up about you."

Rod smiled in relief. "Thanks, Al. That's easy! I had a feeling you'd know what to do."

Allen stuck his hand on his hip and smirked. "I always do. Anyway, as fun as it is to share my wisdom with you and make Neil uncomfortable, I have a lunch break to catch. See you later, Rod." He turned and began to make his way to Clement's. He paused, "Oh, and Neil. If I were you, I'd get over whatever issues are preventing you from confessing to Rio. She may be oblivious to your affections, but the rest of us aren't. The schoolyard tactic of being a jerk will only work for so long. Maybe you should think about whether or not you truly want her in your life. Ciao!"

Neil peered up at the sky, seemingly deep in thought when Rod spoke. "Hey, sorry about getting so offended earlier. I guess I was just self-conscious about the whole thing, I'm not very confident when it comes to girls." He smiled. "If it helps at all, I can tell Rio likes you, she just doesn't make it obvious. I hope it all works out."

Rod's apology and support were not what Neil felt he deserved, and it left him feeling even more guilty. Before he could muster up an apology, Rod spoke again. "It's been a pretty long day, why don't we close up early?" Neil nodded in agreement, and the two men packed up their items and started off towards the animal sanctuary to drop everything off.

After some minutes of silence, Neil decided to speak up. "Uh, Rod? I'm not exactly good at this sort of thing but...uh, I'm sorry for what I said earlier." He thought about saying more but thought better of it. Instead, he looked over at Rod to gauge his reaction.

Rod looked thoughtful for a moment before replying. "It's all good, man, but thank you."

Neil grabbed the feed for Rio before putting away the remainder of his items. The two completed their work in comfortable silence and made their way back into town. Rod sent a nod and a quick "See ya later!" towards Neil before entering his cottage. As much as Neil wanted to just head home and think about the day, he reminded himself that he still had a delivery to make.


He slowly made his way to Rio's farm, trying to not let the earlier conversations cloud his thoughts. Upon arrival, he dropped the feed off by the coop and began to search for Rio. He spotted her sitting on her porch, looking out towards the river. Unfortunately, he was so focused on Rio that he didn't notice a stray rock in the middle of the path. His foot caught the front edge of it and he fell forward. He quickly threw his arms out in front of him to break the fall, the mix of gravel and dirt digging into his palms.

He looked up to see Rio laughing to herself, "Wow, and I thoughtI was graceful."

Neil groaned in pain. "Rio--now is not the time for jokes." He picked himself up, grabbed the blanket that had fallen on the ground and tossed it at her. He smirked as it hit her in the face. "I may not be graceful, but you can't deny that I'm a good shot."

She shot him a disapproving glare. "Very funny, Neil." It wasn't often that Neil joked around with her, and she was enjoying it. Maybe he was finally starting to loosen up and they could pursue a friendship.

He looked down at his hands that were lightly bleeding and sighed. "I left your order in the usual spot. I just came by to return the blanket, but I should probably get going before I end up embarrassing myself further." He waved a hand in parting and began to walk away.

Suddenly, Neil felt a small hand grab his wrist with surprising strength and turn him around. Rio frowned, "Nuh uh, mister! We're gonna clean up those hands of yours first! What kind of hostess would I be if I let you leave with those scratches?" He tried to argue as she dragged him into her house and pushed him down onto one of her kitchen chairs. "Stay put! I'm gonna go grab my first aid kit." He accepted his fate with a sigh and waited for her to return. It wasn't that he wasn't grateful, but Allen's words from earlier were starting to eat away at him and he needed time to think.

She came back quickly with a small white box in hand. Neil watched as she wetted a cloth and carefully cleaned out the scratches. Next, she wrapped his hands in some gauze and smirked. "There! You're free to go, just try to make it home in one piece okay? I'm tired and won't be able to come to your rescue again if I'm sleeping."

Neil smirked back. "Wait, you're tired? It's only eight o' clock. Even Hana stays up later than this!" Hana was an older woman who ran the general store; she must have been pushing 70 yet she was still a night-owl.

"Hey! I got up early and had a lot to do today!" She wadded up some of the extra gauze and tossed it at him. "I don't get to just sit around and do nothing all day like a certain animal dealer I know." She knew very well that Neil worked just as hard as she did, but she couldn't let him have the last word.

Neil rolled his eyes and tossed it back. "Whatever, Rio. Thanks for the first aid. I better get going before I have no dignity left. I can't believe I was just patched up by the clumsiest girl in town." He turned and made his way to the exit.

She giggled and responded, "I am not the clumsiest! Well...maybe. Neil, what's with those pants you wear? I mean, camouflage? Really?" She liked his pants, they made him look tough, but she couldn't resist the adorable blush that appeared every time she teased him.

He opened the door and shot her a look before closing it firmly behind him. 'Rio really is something else,' he thought, 'what's wrong with my pants?' He shook his head and started walking, it was probably better to not take Rio's comment seriously.

Minutes later, while in the safety of his own home, Neil began to contemplate the day's events. Could he actually be thinking of Rio as more than just the farmer who came and bugged him every day? He wasn't really bothered by her anymore, and found that he actually enjoyed her company most of the time...but did that mean he liked her? He didn't know what to think, he'd never liked someone seriously before. He'd never even thought of the possibility of a romantic relationship with anyone. What was he supposed to even do if he liked her? Maybe he should talk to Rod.

He decided to call it an early night and go to sleep. While he lay in his bed he began thinking of how soft Rio's hands were. 'Wait, where did that thought come from?! Ugh, why won't my brain just shut up?' After what felt like hours he finally drifted off into a restless sleep with images of a blonde farmer filling his head.


She stood before him, looking more angelic than he had ever seen. She was smiling and looking up at him. He heard a voice speak. "Neil, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, your faithful partner, and your one true love?"

He smiled down at his companion, "I do."

The voice continued, "And do you Rio, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, your faithful partner, and your one true love?"

She grinned back, "I do."


Neil woke up as the last "I do" was spoken with a racing heart. 'What the hell?' He looked at the clock that read "4:00 am" and sighed. 'This is going to be a long night.'

[Harvest Moon: A New Beginning] Rio to the RescueWhere stories live. Discover now