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I do not own Black Butler or any of it's characters or plots. Please enjoy my oc because she is mine.

"Normal" = Speech

"Italics" = Thought


Fourth period, the self dedicated "nap time" of my day. The only part of this school world where I can successfully close my eyes and my grades will not falter for it. Well that isn't entirely true, my elective Criminology course I could doze through and not falter but that is too interesting for anyone to sleep through. No, fourth period is math and more specifically AP Calculus and therefore sleep-thru-able. I can already feel my eyes start to droop as I round the corner to the class. Letting out a respectable yawn as the door comes into view. The highlight of my day! I'll be sleeping in less than ten minutes.

Role call comes first my name, Adelaide Faure, comes exactly in the middle. So I count the names instead of sheep. I get to seventeen and mutter, "Here," just loud enough for the teacher to catch.

The last seventeen names are called and homework is passed up to the front to be put on the grading pile. I take a glance at the agenda so I know what everyone else is having problems with. What would be a review for me if I found it worth my time to stay awake. "Periodic Functions." Suddenly I'm really glad I get to sleep otherwise this would be really boring.

Arms crossed, long dark waves blocking out all other light. I find my mind closing off the sounds and my thoughts turn to the weekend. Thinking about having the house to myself just to sit around and watch Sword Art Online and Black Butler seemed like a great plan.

"I'll get to drool over Sebastian and Kirito for two days straight. Is that the light of glory I see in my future?"

A prick of pain starts behind my eyes under the guise of a headache but quickly evolves. Blinding pain makes me open my eyes and sit up. This only adds to the pain and I find my vision tinged red but turning black. Everyone in the room is just sitting there, almost like they're frozen. Slumping forward in my seat, falling to the ground, I don't even feel the impact. The blackness that I have heard about isn't there.

Everything is red, a deep, dark, crimson-y red. Slowly black joins in but doesn't overtake the red but outlines it somehow. Patterns start to appear and I can feel myself screaming but I don't really know why, nor can I hear it. The scream is long and endless. Taking in my whole being till all I am is the hollow shell of my former self. Being ripped apart and put back together constantly.

I never thought that pain could last so long and maintain it's strength. This kind was changing never staying in the same spot or keeping the same intensity and now was more of a burning sensation. My ears started working again, my scream sounding foreign as it receded from my sore throat. The red-black insignia that was everywhere was fading turning to a flickering orange-red-yellow. I tried to move again succeeding in only moving my left hand. Next my right and both were soon followed by standing in the eternal flame.

The screaming was returning but I realized it wasn't from me. I whipped around to find a burning room filled with books, near the middle where three people. Two were cowering against one another, one blond and one black haired, the third was moving towards them. Suddenly the blond woman was screaming again but was quickly silences with a look from her husband. Something about the silver haired woman coming towards them was terror inducing. Just as she got there my world shifted once again.

Still in a burning building but with no screaming, no people. Was this real? Fire was coming under the door creeping slowly along the floor to where I was sitting. Backing up against a wall, I watched as everything turned to smoke and fire. This time the blackness did come as I slid to the floor unconscious.

Outside watching Sebastian and his young master watched the town hall of the demented little town burned. Per the orders of one Ciel Phantomhive. Fixing his masters eye patch back into place Sebastian's hands started to shake.

"Are you starting to go soft on me Sebastian,?" the adolescent quipped, "Surely you've been made to do worse."

"Forgive me young master, I seem to have gotten rather feverish quite suddenly."

Looking up in surprise Ciel's eyes found his servants and he quickly backed away. His eyes they were a color he'd never seen on a demon or a reaper and would never even be possible on a human. He was even more taken aback when his butlers pristine tailcoat combusted suddenly.

Sebastian could feel something pulling at him even stronger than that of a direct order from the Phantomhive youth. His legs carrying him back to the burning inferno. Leaving his tailcoat and scorched dress shirt behind, he walked faster. Flashes of pain along his arms and torso making him run. Completely deaf to the orders flying at him from behind.

"What has gotten a hold on MY demon servant," Ciel was wondering in the ensuing panic, "Whatever it is must be from a different world..."

This is my first story, please be kind.

Constructive criticism only would be appreciated.

I'm also looking for a way to re-write the last line so if anyone

has an idea please put it in the comments.



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